don't give him any money, whatever you do. all these little old ladies are looking for him in arizona. he took their retirement money and bought defective bazookas with it. finally, my life is complete. fait accompli. sloppy joe? sloppy no. i have to go take a shower. will you call me when miner gets here? oh, hello. what happened to you? you paint? how so? oh you're not one of those oil snobs are you? jejune? you're jejune. how old are you anyway? and you paint? that explains it. infantas are spanish. michelangelo was italian. well - kelly. nice talking to you. hey. i have some stretcher bars out in the car. can somebody help me bring them in? that's the cleveland waterfront. it's the light. i was playing with diffusion. very funny, wiseass. it is. farmer? miner? what about him? no. definitely not. thank god. you said your mom was a painter? what do you mean? like andy warhol's factory. wow. so you really grew up with it. what does, did, your dad do? "tragedy struck?" well, just wait. those burnout types always have a triumphant comeback tour. have fun, boys. and i used to think you were the only crazy one. are you? i don't think i have room for a playpen in here. kelly? you did. well you're here now. go ahead. set your canvas up. use one of the ones in the corner. brushes are in the jar. paint's in the drawer. well then. no. just don't talk. i'm kidding. kelly. this is kelly - kelly's a friend of bart's. he paints. i'm not at a good stopping point. i really shouldn't. we will. i promise. maybe. probably. like what? just because he didn't want to picture you as a pupa? he wants to be with me. what's so bad about that? well, that's sweet - hey, i can take care of myself. at the end of the month. but don't ask me about it. it makes me nervous. no. what are you painting? how? do you have any idea what you're talking about? well, some people actually say what they really think. it doesn't matter. it's called being yourself. not boring. scary and wonderful and exciting. i can't deal with that stuff, ma. i don't care who sits next to whom. i should have eloped. he talks about art. miner and i broke up. yeah. you did, huh? i don't need any more bullshit right now. i'm not as complicated as you think. oh. there's more to it than that. thanks. you like me, don't you? no, i mean -- you like me. well, do something. kelly? hey. we talked. i'm really sorry. oh, kelly.