we like fishing and in the winter we like skiing. but in thailand - there is no skiing. ok. now you stand still. you wait. the fish come. you wait until the fish are still. they trust you. you wait. his speech is hypnotic, calming. his students take in the view. and then- he suddenly throws the spear into the water. he lifts it out triumphant. you kill a dying fish wriggles on the end of the spear. now, you try. richard, etienne and francoise wade apart a little and into deeper water. they wait and look. no, no, no. too fast. slowly. they pause richard throws. he hauls his spear from the water. you are a natural! they all congratulate him. richard raises the spear aloft. the problem is seeing the fish. with the rain and the poor light, they are very difficult to catch. it could last for days. sometimes when it rains, we get hungry. hello richard. richard! my foot. my foot! it's so painful. my foot! richard looks at christo's right leg: it has been bitten off beneath the knee, leaving only a ragged bloody stump. but it will be ok? please richard, when i get to the hospital? tell me - it will be ok.