goodnight. the couple reach their door. they enter their room and the door is closed behind them. alone in the corridor again, richard contemplates their presence. good morning. she means your neighbor. the scotsman we moved rooms because of him. what idiot would lend him money? it would disappear. it's on an island that no one get to. it was ridiculous; all this at three o'clock in the morning. of course, but look; all these people. if that place existed, they'd all be there. it's arranged. tomorrow morning. eight hundred baht. there is one problem. etienne opens the map on the table. he will not take us to the island. it's in the national park and it is forbidden to go there. but we are allowed to travel to this one to stay for one night. we leave our rucksacks on this island and then we swim. one or two kilometers. why? richard, it's secret. that's the whole point. one kilometer richard? so? so how many miles do you think it is? we're ok. richard - i saw a fin! a fin! they all stop and tread water. i don't know, just a fin. over there. about a hundred meters. nothing. i just thought you ought to know. i'm sorry. francoise! francoise! richard turns around. francoise is gone. her plastic bag bobs on the surface. etienne is frantic, hysterical. she is gone! she just went under the water. she was pulled under. oh god, i don't see her. i don't know! i don't know! oh god. suddenly richard screams. francoise surfaces, pulling up his ankle. she and etienne laugh at richard. what about moliere? nice island. they smile and examine the plants. richard wanders a short distance away. something glinting on the ground catches richard's eye. he leans down and picks it up. it is an empty brass cartridge from a rifle. richard looks around. just ahead he sees the remains of an extinguished campfire, and beyond that, protruding from the undergrowth, a pair of male legs and beyond them, the butt of a rifle. close in on the nest in the undergrowth. the legs and gun belong to a farmer. he is asleep. his physique is strong and his skin weathered. richard turns back to etienne and francoise. they are still strolling amongst the plants. richard begins to back away. the farmer wakes. he lifts his gun and stands up to look out over the dope field. shit. this was not on the map, richard. it's a fucking mess. richard - she is frightened. so am i. richard looks at them. they await his lead. if we follow this down, it should lead us all the way to the lagoon. well, richard, how are we going to get down? why shouldn't i? i have an opinion we'll climb down over there. so, what do you think? maybe we could make a rope out of some creepers. no! she jumps. she falls towards and into the pool. richard and etienne scramble to the edge and peer over. she surfaces and waves. richard and etienne look at each other. no. i don't know, maybe if - good luck richard looks back at them but says nothing. he pulls the mask on and resumes his march into the sea. this is disgusting! you cannot do this! take him back! a party of stretcher bearers, including bugs, sal, and keaty, carry christo through the forest. sal is carrying a small rolled up tent. richard walks behind. take him back, you fucking animals! sal drops the tent at etienne's feet. the part walks away apart from richard fucking bastards! i understand: they wish he was dead. he needs a doctor. for one month, as a cleaner, a domestic. look, richard! etienne draws back the sheet covering christo's discolored stump. richard recoils. it's gangrene. it's spreading. he needs an amputation. etienne produces a knife from his possessions. where else? what about christo? richard, come one, get into the boat. the man pulls etienne forward and stabs him deep into his abdomen. richard! it is bugs.