do you tink he gave a mpa like this to anyone else. and you, have you told anyone or shown anyone this map? good. sorry, i wasn't really tuned in. you want to go to the mainland? to see a dentist, is that it? no. it's out of the question. she returns to the book. with help from two or three other people, bgs drags gregorio to the floor and rips out the offending tooth with a pair of pliers. gregorio screams. aren't you going to stay and watch the game? don't forget about this evening. you wouldn't want to miss it. it's the anniversary, richard. to the first six years. they all drink. richard cringes at the unpleasant taste. beside him, etienne proudly gulps down the whole drink. sonja refills the cups, pouring freely. and looking forward to the next one. they all drink again. once again, richard sips while etienne empties his cup. well, technically, daffy was the first person on the island. what? no, richard, don't worry. daffy left because he felt that in coming to paradise we had inevitably destroyed it. he was a purist. alright, i've got some bad news. as some of you may have heard, a couple of sacks of rice have gone rotten. now this is not a disaster - yes, that's right: i need a volunteer to go to ko pha ngan with me to buy some rice. so please don't all volunteer at once. there are no volunteers. everyone avoids sal's eye. keaty? and so did i. anyone else? still no volunteers. richard? richard has been scrutinizing francoise's back. what about you? will you come to ko pha ngan with me? great. she smiles at him. if you hang around, people take advantage of you, give you orders for all sorts of shit - clothes, condoms, vegemite and god knows what else. we go to ko pha ngan, sell the dope, buy the rice, and come back. that's all. ext. beach . water. day. sal walks into the water and begins swimming out towards the cliff. richard watches then dives into the water. ext. lagoon . cliffs. day. sal waits for richard as he catches up with her at the base of the cliffs inside the lagoon. under. don't breathe till you get to the other side. sal submerges. richard watches her disappear into an underwater tunnel into the rock. he takes a deep breath., welcome to the garage. she pulls the start cord. the small engine's loud roar reverberates around the stone walls. ext. sea . cliffs. day. the small boat emerges from the cave on to the sea, richard at the front and sal at the helm. good evening. very well, thank you. as always. sal puts the parcel on the desk. sumet weighs it in her hand. we'd like to stay one night. one. sumet looks at richard. she says she's got two rooms. no problem. so how does it feel to be back in the world? it gets worse every time. a hand rests on richard's shoulder, gently pushing him aside to create space at the bar. it is zeph. that idiot daffy? what was he doing - handing out xerox copies to every asshole in thailand? why? that's all i want to know. why? pardon me for this, but thank christ he's dead. bad news. she gave away your room. she thought we were - you know - together. sorry. richard. she shows him the key for the room. they look at each other. i'm going to play a couple of games of pool with sumet. she throws the key. he catches. why don't you go warm the bed? uh-huh. it was great. ok, it's like this. bugs is my boyfriend, my partner, and you, you're someone i just screwed. is that ok? she turns on her side again. good, now get some sleep - i may wish to have sex again before we eat breakfast. hi there, richard. richard turns to see sal, who has appeared as though from nowhere. hi? is that all you can say? i thought we had a little more rapport than that. i was looking for you. i have to go somewhere. i'd like you to accompany me. richard checks his watch. i'm sorry. are you meeting someone? you sure? good. so, you can come with me.     if they reach the island, i want you to discourage them from getting any further. you'll think of something, richard. i trust you. sal kisses him on the cheak and leaves. richard watches her go. ok, that's far enough. they lower christo to the ground. when did they get there? well you'll have to stop them. the what? right. you call it what you want, richard, just don't let them get this far. this is a particularly bad time, with christo lying in that tent, it wouldn't look good if anyone arrived. well? all of them? right. yeah. the only problem we have left is francoise and etienne. richard realizes what she means. it's not the first time. what? richard, if you're going to live here, you've got to get involved. richard's knife is lying beside him. sal picks it up by the tip of the blade. francoise. and etienne. she slaps the knife into richard's hand. she stands up and walks away. richard contemplates the knife. no, we don't. we bring no one. no, i promise, we keep it secret. we tell no one. he hits her again.