fuck, i knew we locked it. we should have left it unlocked. sammy addresses richard on the beach. or in the water. closed. back later. we hope. i smoke two joints in the morning, and i smoke two joints at night, and i smoke two joints in the afternoon, and then i feel alright. i smoke two joints in time of peace, and two in time of war. i smoke two joints before i smoke two joints and then i smoke some more. i can't remember the rest. not possible yea. this beach is perfect. it's on an island, right, hidden from the sea. imagine: pure white sand and enough dope to smoke all day every day for the rest of your life. only a few know exactly where it is and they won't tell anyone. excuse me, please. he does not see richard's face but concentrates on the barman. richard recognizes him and conceals his face. excuse me! four beers please. heinneken. the barman serves him. sammy and two german girls stand behind zeph. he passes the drink back to them and turns to speak. richard and sal listen in. ok, where was i? right, the beach: it's on this secret island, in the middle of the national park where no one is allowed to go. it's paradise. what's even better is we got the map of how to get there. but hey it's secret - if we show you the map, you have to come with us. they laugh. zeph and sammy high-five each other. back in a minute. just going to conduct a recon of the local sanitation facility. richard watches him leave the bar. hey, richard! i hardly fucking recognize you. where have you been? the beach? tell me - it's paradise. what? you've been? danger - hey, you're calling my middle name. what kind of danger? i think you're trying to put me off. we'll do whatever we want. he goes to leave. richard places a hand on his chest. they stop for a moment. zeph pushes the hand away. fuck you. zeph walks past then turns back. stay away from the mushrooms, richard, they make you paranoid. ext. bech . steps. night. richard and sal are climbing the steps towards the bungalow reception. i smoke two joints in the morning. i smoke two joints at night. i smoke two joints in the afternoon and then i feel alright. i smoke two joints in time of peace and two in time of war. i smoke two joints before i smoke two joints and then - zeph stops singing. he has seen the farmers, armed and watching him from a few meters away. sammy and the others also notice, one by one. they too stand still, dumb and frightened. hi. we're americans. tourists. but we will leave. we made a mistake. we go now. we take nothing. slowly, he begins to walk backwards, smiling reassuringly. the farmers say nothing but advance and outflank the travelers, herding them back into a huddle. we go now. we leave in peace. look we can pay. here, american dollars. you can have them. the farmers line up opposite them. all begin to plead desperately for their lives. one of the german girls suddenly breaks away and starts running in the direction of richard's hiding place. one of the guards shoots at her repeatedly, missing. the others start shooting at the remaining three, cutting them down in a hail of bullets. the german girl keeps on running, zigzagging as she goes. the farmers fire but miss. she reaches the place where richard is hiding, couched down in the undergrowth. startled by seeing him, she stops abruptly. richard and the german girl stare into each other's eyes for a moment. suddenly her chest explodes forwards as a single bullet rips through from her back. she falls to the ground. richard is spattered in her blood. he sits motionless, staring at her corpse.