great news. love to, sir, but no can do. no spare room. period. what i'm doing, dave, is developing the ultimate user-friendly,' interactive public guide to the gallery. but the particular glory of the system. is that it can also work oh large screens in each individual room - so we can network the program to every room in the gallery. absolutely. this way, sir. i was hoping du. bean might take a look at my computer project today. howls he getting on with the family? and howls alison? saw her at the movies the other night with that boss of hers. nice guy. good looking. it's great when people who work together can become real friends. i like to think that's what's happened with you and me . even though you're kinda my boss. still maybe it won't always be that way, huh? thanks, david. always a pleasure. by the way. don't know what you think, mr vice president, but i've been hinting to the old man that someone's got to have the balls to take some sort of emergency measures around here - or we're all in the crap house. what do you think? not necessarily. that's where this . comes in. no, i've had a better idea than sacking people. you'll hear soon enough. great day. at last we can start getting out of debt and concentrating on the future. you're an innocent and an optimist david - that's why i love you. . jesus - what a terrible tie- come on, the governor's coming at 3. and before then i have a little surprise for you and the boss. we'll be able to start this afternoon. i'11 pipe the guide to every video screen in the gallery. now, that'll impress the governor. jesus! hurry up you guys. am i the only person round here who actually gets things done. and that's where you introduce me to the governor. curtsy. hey. let's junk the medals, elmer. this is not a veterans' reunion. we wanna make the governor feel at home. not remind him of piles of dead people wearing uniforms. okay, that'll do. the governor's here in half an hour. we have to be totally ready then. no excuses. period! how goes it, bean? ready for the governor? we need you downstairs in ten minutes and not a second more. period. oh, and put this on. david? lift off! bean - go park the governor's car, will you. everything okay, david? he's just parking the governor's car. certainly, sir. there is one other tiny problem, sir. cut to: thank you, sir. although, i'm afraid i don't quite see how we can . all fixed up, sir. stick around, davey boy. this is going to be quite a show. here you can see our new interactive gallery guide. every picture in the gallery will have its own story to tell. perhaps you'd like to bring up whistler's mother. ah, our visiting professor has chosen the splendid millais painting - "his mistress" just click on the corner. right let me take over now. you've had long enough on it now. a joke's a joke. that's it. period! you can stop right there, mr! those are confidential . excuse me, if i may just . i don't think you really understand what you're looking at . but wait a minute - you can't let some moron from england turn you against me. i deny any knowledge of this. he probably typed in all this stuff himself. don't you find it all a bit suspicious that it's here at his fingertips. there's your criminal, gentlemen. there's the limey that set me up!