as bean and david enter through the swing doors they meet annie, the very bubbly girl in charge of entrance tickets at the reception cum shop counter. end of the day. annie perks up at the reception desk as david, but especially bean, approaches from the gallery area. she has a pile of tissues near-by and draws a heart on one of them. she arranges it on the counter-top where bean could not fail to see it on his way to the exit. david, bean and kevin at the reception desk. gallery staff wait, all wearing name badges. grierson leads bernie to the reception counter. annie steps out from behind it and shakes bernie's hand. the staff and various dignitaries are lined, looking out through the glass in anticipation. through the glass we see a couple of police motorcycle escorts pull up outside followed by a beautiful, old, classic rolls royce. grierson leads reynolds to the reception counter, as bernie sneaks up to take his position again. elmer is in the background trying to look professional, deferring to brutus.