hiya dad ~ i'll need you upstairs for homework in about . oh, 20 minutes. who do you think is the ugliest guy who ever lived. i vote for bart. no, seriously - i know he's your boyfriend, but there's something about his upper lip that is so weird. what do you think it is, dad? jen says it's a moustache, i say it's a cluster of about 11 mosquitoes, resting. nope. it wouldn't be the first time. he makes prince charles look kind of handsome. that's one - way of looking at it. you might also say this guy is brainless he has no brain'. it's so embarrassing. all the guys i know are on goblins 3 and i'm still stuck with the lousy wizard in goblins 2. come on, winkle. it's gotta be here. something to get the key away from the stupid cuckoo. how'd you do that!? that was so obvious!!! beanie, you are waaaaay cool! i wish i could use that at school. "hey, teach, no hard feelings . it's just things between us ain't what they used to be and i need a little space, ya know? so i'11 see you around in a couple of years, maybe". you know, mr. bean's okay. you're not gonna kick him out, are you, dad? are you? hey, en, nice bike'- but remember: any kids you have are gonna look just like its handsome driver. sting?! sounds like something you put on a rash. badly. you wanna adopt me? my dad told me all about you. he says you've got a babe count of ten out of ten, and a brain cell count of about two and a half. catch you later, babe. come on, beanie - there must be a computer here somewhere. i hate paintings. they don't do anything. this is way cool, beanie. i'm just gonna go see if annie needs me for anything. truth is, she smells kinda nice. okay? . is jenny gonna be okay? but is she gonna be okay? like playing them recordings of their dish washers and coffee grinders? help me with this. it's a scientific experiment. we're gonna wake up sleeping beauty here with the tortured screams of vampire bats. dad. these guys just hijacked the t.v. me and bean were trying to . i don't care what anyone says. mr. bean brought my sister back from the dead. he did it under laboratory conditions. my eyes do not lie! good-bye beanie. it's bean . surreal. and don't forget you're welcome to come back anytime . in the distant future.