i know, gareth. it's the mental strain he inflicts on us all. how is professor bradbury mmmm, and how far are we with the computer, hubert? come on - settle down everyone. cut to: very well. mr bean is. art history. we can all stop taking the pills. miss hutchinson, would you send mr. bean up to the boardroom, please. thank you. one final thing. once again we have been invited by the grierson gallery of southern california to second one of our staff for a short visit. the grierson has a fairly modest collection - but it does include the most famous american painting of all, 'whistler's mother'. any thoughts? yes. sir rupert. and may i say sir, how honoured we are that you still grace us with all your time, wisdom, and infinite knowledge. your invaluable thoughts, sir? you have your voting slips, gentlemen. please remember the ah, mr. bean. please take a seat for a moment. i have some news which will not, i'm afraid. yes? put him on. timothy. the computer . yes. when? how? all of it? absolutely all of it? did you back it up? how long will it . ? another six months. fair enough. come up here will you, dear boy. as i was saying, gentlemen. the grierson gallery. south california. great opportunity. thousands-of miles-away though it is. doctorate or no doctorate, perhaps mr. bean. wonderful news. you are going to america. ah, timothy. you're sacked. is he gone? tell the others.