all right, who are ya? c.i.a? f.b.i.? a.t.f.? you got two seconds! who sent ya? muddy! sonofabitch! hold it. what's he payin' ya? ten grand? that cheap-ass. i got a better deal for ya. i'll double it. i'll pay ya twenty if you go back there and do mah husband. damn! you boys, you wait right there. gimme the number for dream america tours. right. yeah, you got a bus leaving today? five minutes? where's it goin'? washington, d.c.? perfect. gimme two tickets. score? you boys wanna? you wait here. don't wear yourselves out, boys. save some energy for me. i'm gonna do it with both of ya. boys. boys!!! but first, you hafta do a little job for me. would you like to do a job for me? here's what it is. i want ya to take a bus ta washington, d.c. that's all. and when ya get there, i'll be waitin'. you're gonna make a whole lotta money. and i'm gonaa give you everything! until then. keep your pants on. ok guys, time to move out. remember, washington, d.c. you'll get more money than you ever dreamed of. and you'll get me. your bus is downstairs. get going. ooh is that a promise? oh, you got my bad side. you gonna charge me with anything? i didn't think so. you wanna let me go now or wait 'till my lawyer files a wrongful arrest. you boys better show up. honey, i was gonna split it with you after i sold it, right down the middle. i swear. i just. come on muddy. whatd'ya say we just forget about it and go get a room like old times. no honey we're gonna kill 'em. you don't have anything on us and you know it. he stole the unit. said he put it in some kid's pants.