so, are you going to tell us where it is or am i going to have to have agent hurley over there give you another cavity search? look mrs. scum, we know who you are. tell her bork. three days ago you pulled a job at the army research facility in hadley, nevada - where you stole. the x-5 unit. now we happen to know you had the unit with you when you checked in here, so why don't you be a good girl and tell us where it is. dammit! where's that damn unit??!! talk ta me, bork. did you give him a full cavity search? yes. you can never be too careful bork. bork, don't you realize what kids today are capable of? don't you read the papers? the hell's going on? you see what i see, bork? you got half the state looking for ya - how do you get away? damn right. bork, we're dealing with real pros here. my opinion, terrorists. what's the scoop on that stolen unit? jesus jumped-up christ! if this were to fall into the wrong hands. okay people, as of right now these are the most dangerous men in america. i want these faces in front of every fed and two- bit sheriff within a thousand miles. the orders are dead or alive. let's just pray that nothing hits that unit. these people know something. i want full cavity searches. everyone. go deep on 'em. i tell you bork, these guys are smart. damn smart. they're probably a hundred miles away by now. didn't see which way they went. didn't see their vehicle. i don't suppose you tried to stop them? national security is the responsibility of every american. bork. deep and hard. they're not gonna get away this time. i want roadblocks. every road outta here for two hundred miles. masturbating in a man's camper! we're dealing with two sick individuals. i want that camper torn apart, full cavity searches all around. finally, a real break. get me that flight's point of origin. we're gonna kick some ass. i'll ask the questions. are these your students? that's about the kind of talk i'd expect from the guy who taught these two. take this scum away. you've been harboring two criminal masterminds! bork! you are a federal agent. you represent the united states government. never end a sentence with a preposition. try again. that's better. yes? well, i'll be a blue-nosed gopher. the question is, where are they going. what the hell? bork! that bus we picked up. where was it headin'? jesus jumped-up. bork, can you imagine what would happen if they set that thing off in our nation's capital, or even worse, if they sold it to some damned foreigner at that conference. well, it's not gonna happen! well look what we have here. you two make me sick. book 'em bork. oh i don't huh? how about lewd conduct? maybe indecent exposure?. here's what's gonna happen. one of you's gonna make a deal and get me the unit. the other can spend the next sixty years in jail. okay, boys and girls, our suspects are on a tour bus we believe to be headed for. the white house! jumpin' jesus! i want everyone there. our people. locals. orders are shoot to kill. repeat! shoot to kill! bork, when this is all over, remind me to make you an appointment with agent hurley. you don't understand. national security is at stake here. we must evacuate. alright, where's the unit? agent hurley. i want you to give this scumbag a cavity search. i'm talking roto-rooter. don't stop 'till you reach the back of his teeth. the other guy must have it. he's gotta be in here somewhere. bring him. not now bork. damn! where the hell is he? we should've found him by now. attention all units. we've got him. he's in front of a camper in the visitor's lot. ok, nobody shoot. he could still have the unit on him. keep your distance. we don't wanna take a chance on hitting it. who knows? this is agent flemming, a.t.f. we won't hurt you. we just want the unit. tell us where the unit is. we'll get you whatever you want. get that other kid. we might need him. he's jerkin' us off. i think we're gonna have to take him out. get ready to fire on my orders. this is your last chance. give us the unit now. ok boys. get ready to fire on the count of three. i'm gonna give you three seconds. one. two. thrr. drop the pants! now! sooo, using two innocent teenagers as pawns in your sick game, huh? take him away. i gotta admit, i didn't believe it. i thought you were scum. but you saved more lives today than you'll ever know. you led us to one of the sickest criminals in our history. this country owes you a debt. for security reasons, your actions will have to remain top secret. but someone very special wants to give his thanks.