hello there. are you two heading for las vegas? i hope to score big there myself. i'm mostly going to be doing the slots. oh, there are so many slots you won't know where to begin. it's so nice to meet young men who are so well mannered. oh, that's nice. you'll have to speak up son. i have this ringing in my ears. my doctor says it could be related to my heart palpitations. i've had two operations on my heart. oh, maybe you're lactose intolerant. well, if you find yourself getting tired, take a couple of these. they perk me right up. why it's you two. how'd ya do in vegas? sorry to hear that. me, i took a beating. that's why i'm bussing it across america. i'm so glad you're here. jim, i want you to meet two nice boys. this is travis and bob. what's your last name, dear? meet sylvia. and elloise and sam. and ed. and doreen. actually, we're at the hoover dam. oh, we're a long ways from washington bob. this is the hoover dam. it's. incredible! yoo-hoo! travis and bob head. whoo-hoo! now travis, it doesn't do a body good to get all worked up. here. this should help you relax. does that say xanax?