are you sure these guys can pull this off? it's gotta look like an accident. hold on a minute. that must be them now. i'll call you back. . come in! yer late. well, earl said you guys were young, but jeez. oh well, as long as you can get the job done. so what are your names? that's alright. i'd rather not know your real names anyways. i'm muddy. look, i'm gonna get right to the point. i'll pay you ten grand plus expenses, all payable after you do her. that's right. i'm offering you ten grand plus expenses to do my wife. we gotta deal? okay, then let's get down to business. here she is. her name's dallas. she ain't as sweet as she looks. she stole everything from me. ya gotta watch out, 'cause she'll do you twice as fast as you'd do her. she's holed up in a hotel room in las veags. your flight leaves in a couple of hours. now c'mon, i'll drive you to the airport. no. one more thing. mah wife's got this leather satchel. it's black, about this big. i need ya to bring it back. it's real important. sentimental value. any questions so far? she sure does. just make sure it looks like an accident. huh huh. you guys are funny. let's have a drink on it. you the cops? what the hell?!. what about those other. dammit!!! she did it to me again!!! i'm gonna go to vegas and kill all three a' them! i'm gonna kill 'em! no, i can't say i've seen 'em. i sure hope it's safe to drive around here. that's good to know, officer. ah'm gonna enjoy this. any last words b'fore ah kill ya? ah'm gonna blow you both to hell! washington! that's where she was gonna meet up with ya? damn, she's goin' all the way! you know, i just might need you after all. aw right, in the trunk. you're gonna help me get mah unit back. well, well. look at this. the love of my life. where have you been? sure you were. but now you don't have to go through all that bother. i don't think so. where is it? you forgot who yer dealin' with, honey. ya see, i got your mules right here in my trunk and. say what?. i'm gonna kill 'em!!! there you're wrong, boy. me and mah wife are back together and you'll never. why you damn little.