if it's a joke it's a poor one. * i don't have to ask her. i know she would agree with me. leave us alone. his stubborn rejection of hector reveals just how strong their friendship once was. keep it and build your own hovel somewhere else. leave us alone! i must object. these sentences can't be lawful. of course. we can't allow ourselves to fall into terror and violence. no, sir. there must be proper justice. it's foolishness. killing our own men when we have the whole of africa to face. what's this? i thought everything was shared out on the raft. good night, hector. hector lingers. sick. she hasn't been able to rise since yesterday. * hector's face expresses his shock. from what he has heard at the meeting this is serious news. he makes a decision. he speaks to francisco, willing their old friendship back into existence in the urgency of the moment. you have a bottle of wine? well, fetch it. you should hang for this. some people on the raft might have lived with a glass of this in their stomach. francisco sips the wine with the relish of long abstinence. you rogue. give it here. much too rich for her. do you want to kill her? don't argue with me, old friend. you're the guilty one around here, and don't you forget it. with ursula you weren't bad, you were stupid. you did the one thing you can't do to a strong woman. you took away her pride. what else can she do but hate you? and then you get on the same ship. what a fool. and when the ship went down. why did you have to get on the same raft. it was as if you were trying to torment her. i'll ask her. francisco goes into the hut. hector waits outside, watching the small human dramas all around him. soon francisco emerges from the hut. in you go. hector goes into the hut, stooping low at the small entrance. i'm not staying here with the intention of dying, dom paulo. we'll be following you. when we are fit and well. and good luck to you. * they make what they both know is their final parting. * oh, thank you. you've made your peace with her? thank, god. well, goodbye. * no. if you were carrying * something for me i would have to worry about you. if you go empty-handed i can put you out of my mind! hector smiles uncertainly, unsure if francisco is making a joke. then he becomes more serious. go on, hector. what about them? yes, you're right. i daresay * my boots would take you six hundred * miles. i look after them. in my boots. hector, you have surpassed yourself. sit down and take my boots! francisco starts to take off his boots. hector does the * same. he can't believe his luck. at this moment, he * loves francisco. he makes nonsensical small talk, hopping around on one foot. the best bootmaker in goa. pray for my soul in lisbon, hector. and pray for your own.