what do we do? do we throw you over, is that the idea? hector doesn't understand. he looks at him blankly. he wants me to throw you over. what does it do? does it help the sun? should i throw you over? the leader tries to help hector understand by miming the act of throwing him off the cliff. hector doesn't know how to respond. what's it got to do with the sun? no. it's too much of a risk. just add a stone to the pile. let him go. that's the best we can do. let's go. off you go. we don't want you. he turns from hector and moves on. hector persists in following them. they are his only connection now with anything that thinks or feels in the world. his link with them is all that is left. again and again the leader stops to shoo hector away, but hector dumbly tags along behind.