she's already received the last rites, before she left her family. she belongs to god now. don't you? * we're going. god will protect his ewe lambs. * suddenly the door is thrown open and four soldiers man- handle an inert body, dressed in full armor, into the room. they scatter the food from the table and lay out the moaning suit of armor on it. a young squire follows them in and kneels by the knight in the suit. the moans are muffled because the knight's helmet has been battered out of shape in the battle and can't be removed. the ugly dent suggests an equally ugly wound inflicted on the head inside. the soldiers gingerly try to remove the helmet. their efforts are useless. blood oozes from the joints of the helmet. the moaning suit of armor seems inhuman, robot-like. three or four days. they're not killing nuns, yet. he's nowhere to be seen.