good evening, lucinnius. cyprian asked us if we could be of any * assistance.  in the business that you have to conduct tonight.  to make that business as.  * comfortable.  as you could wish.  lucinnius sighs, as his last hope expires.
we're spending the night at the house of nepos, not far from here. don't hesitate to send your man for us.  at any time.  we're anxious that things should go well for you.
we'll call in the morning at any rate.  just to make sure.
you. come here. hector instinctively looks to his master. lucinnius doesn't protest, but retreats into the house. hector is left alone with the visitors.
he looks like the kind that'll want some help. have you ever killed before?
he's not much different. use a thin blade, but long. get it in deep.  the heart.  feel for a space between the ribs.
 or go in from the back.  any place he'll let you.  we leave hector nodding obediently as this weirdest of coaching lessons continues.
getting it out's not as easy as you might think.  you have to twist a bit.  to get over the stickiness.