boy, this is a toughie. to be honest, i didn't anticipate this. right, lester. i heard you the first time. i'm not a dummy. look, i'm going back to my house to ponder this. so stay calm and keep track of schwartz's comings and goings. oh, and somebody dispose of schwartz's wife, will you? nice to meet you all. it's open. have a seat. i wracking my brain over this malkovich thing. vegas? what'd you think? impressions? those are hard. i suppose i could come to him in a dream. i don't know. that's the best i can think of right now. no, a sexy dream. of course, a scary dream. i am the devil. leave malkovich. he is mine. shit. no, for god's sake, i just watered it yesterday. it almost went well. i gave a pretty good dream, but circumstances arose. maxine says she'll leave him if he leaves malkovich, plus he's been challenged to a puppet-duel by mantini. no, the mediocre mantini. of course the great mantini! but i think i have another plan. why are you being like this? well, if mantini wins, schwartz will leave malkovich, right? so, if he needs it, i help mantini's performance a bit, give him an edge. spice up the show. i am the devil, lester. i think i can handle it. fine. let's drop it. fine. i'm not mad. let's just drop it. bastard is stealing my thunder. okay, now! one serpent, coming up.