welcome to lestercorp. may we meet your filing needs? please have a seat, mr. juarez. pardon? i'm sorry, i'm afraid i have no idea what you're saying right now. money, miss warts? fork ah did? mr. juarez? yex? you suggest what? i have no time for piddling suggestions from mumbling job applicants, my good man. besides, dr. lester will see you now. i think that's what he said. gehginnis ondah foam? fork ah did? you're good. you're not like the other boys we've had here. granted, i can't understand what you're saying either, but your soft palette resonates tremendously well and you never ever constrict your epiglottis. music to my ears! whatever you said. speak, speak, speak, my magnificent friend, speak! oh, what magic those fingers could work on the right cabinet. alphabetize me, baby. and don't forget, i comes before u. i'm afraid i. have no idea what you are saying. you bastard! someone names a lot of warts on line two. think, jew florist? great things, my lonely subtext?