do you dream often? it's my job to ask the questions. yours to answer them. says me. do you dream often? i can hear the creature's voice. it's calling me out of the black cave of the psyche. i shove in my dim little torch, and there he stands -- waiting for me. he raises his matted head. he opens his great, square teeth and says 'why? . why me? . why -- ultimately -- me? . do you really imagine you can account for me? totally, infallibly, inevitably account for me? . poor dr. dysart!' here . here . sssh . sssh . calm now . lie back. just lie back! now breathe in deep. very deep. in . out . in . out . that's it . in. out . in . out . all right! i'll take it away! he'll be delivered from madness. what then? he'll feel himself acceptable! what then? i'll heal the rash on his body. i'll erase the welts cut into his body by flying manes. you won't gallop anymore, alan. horses will be quite safe. you'll save your pennies every week, till you can change that scooter into a car.