make one empty. nothing more than a goddamn clown. hello, schwartz. i saw your show. yeah, i saw them very impressive. i could use a producer with your vision. and other outstanding attributes. we'll see, schwartz. we'll see. i won't waste your time schwartz, or more importantly, mine. here's my proposal: there's only room in this world for one "world's greatest puppeteer." correct? so let's allow the puppet-going public to crown their king. a friendly competition, if you will. your malkovich puppet and my harry s. truman puppet appear opposite each other in a play. not some vegas burly-q pyrotechnics, but a real play that requires actual acting. the audience decides who is more deserving of the title. the losing puppeteer bows out graciously. goes back to obscurity as a file clerk. say. "equus"? it's got everything. broadway's finest three hours. it's about the suppression of the individual. conformity as god in modern society. nothing but acting to hide behind, buddy-boy. great then. no. i can't wait to see where you and your friends live, lotte.