good evening, louise. i see. is his back feeling better? good morning, louise. i see. yes. i've seen that done. yes, louise, it's snowing in the garden today. have you looked outside and seen the snow? it's very white. yes, louise. i have seen it often. it happens to old people. yes. it is. yes, i'm very hungry. i'm going to work in the garden. yes. goodbye, louise. hello, thomas. i'm chance, the gardener. yes. yes, thomas - i understand. yes. i'm waiting for my lunch. yes. louise will bring me lunch. i see. i live here. yes. it's very cold outside today, isn't it, thomas? ever since i can remember, since i was a child. yes, thomas. i have always been here. i have always worked in the garden. yes. oh. thank you. no. compensated? i was given meals, and a home. i never needed money. no, i do not have any of those. i have no need for a doctor or dentist. i have never been ill. i have never been allowed outside of this house, and, except for joe, i have never had any visitors. joe saracini. he was a mason that did some repairs on the brickwork at the rear of the house. that was in 1952. yes. i remember when he came. he was very fat and had short hair and showed me some pictures from a funny little book. yes. of men and women. yes and the old man used to come to my garden. he would read and rest there. yes, thomas, that is correct. then he stopped visiting my garden. you have me, i am here. what more proof do you need? no, thomas. but i have seen the army on television. no. those trees were very young when i first arrived. no, i don't think so. and i have planted and shaped all the hedges, and in the springtime you will be able to see my flowers. no. that's where joe fixed the bricks. no, thomas. i have never been in an automobile. well. from time to time i did sit in it. just in here. it hasn't been outside since the old man hurt himself. i live in here. the old man gave me nice television sets, this one has remote control. he has one just like it. yes, i understand. i am allowed to go to the attic and select any of the old man's suits. they all fit me very well. i can also take his shirts, shoes and coats. yes. i have seen styles on television. i would like to stay and work in my garden. i'm fine, thomas. the garden is a healthy one. there is no need for a claim. no, thomas. i don't know how to sign. i have no claim, thomas. correct. move out? i don't understand, thomas. good day, sally. excuse me, would you please tell me where i could find a garden to work in? there is much to be done during the winter, i must start the seeds for the spring, i must work the soil. i had to leave my garden. i want to find another. no. thomas franklin told me that i had to leave the old man's house, he's dead now, you know. yes. i understand. if i see raphael i will tell him. yes. of course. good day. i'm very hungry now. would you please bring me my lunch? i have seen your game! i have watched elvin hayes play it many times! they call him "big e!" excuse me. . that tree is very sick. it should be cared for. yes. that would be a good thing to do. good day. i can't move. my leg. no. i'm not badly injured. but my leg is very sore. it's very sore. there's no need for police, it's just my leg. i agree. of course. i would like to look. yes. there's no need for a hospital. i've never ridden in an automobile. yes. you can take me. my suitcase. yes. i am. yes. he's a very careful driver. it's feeling better, but it's still very sore. your family doctor? i agree. yes. thank you. i would like to watch television. hello, eve. my name is chance. no. i'm a gardener. no, eve. i'm not related to basil and perdita. yes. i lost my remote control. i like to watch. this is fine. yes. yes, i think he should examine my leg. i've never been in one of these. does it have a television? i see. how long do we stay in here? i understand. i've seen it done before. you were wrong, it did hurt. yes. i think so, too. i see. oh, fine. straight out? claim? . oh, claim, that's what thomas asked me. thomas franklin, an attorney. yes. there's no need for a claim, the garden is a healthy one. thank you. yes, i could stay here. thank you. no. yes, i will. that is a very small room. yes. it seems to be. i see. i feel very good in here. yes. i like that very much. do you know raphael? oh. i have a message for him. a black man gave me the message. yes. you look very sick. i understand. i've never seen anything like this on television. i agree. yes. i am very hungry. no. it won't do that. no. the old man died and louise left. no, thank you. my house has been closed. yes. shut down and locked by the attorneys. no. i like it here. yes. chauncey is fine. yes, robert. i will. does this house have a garden? i see. i would like to work in your garden. i am a very good gardener. thank you, ben. the garden that i left was such a place. everything which grew there was with the labor of my own hands. i planted seeds and watered them and watched everything grow. but i don't have that any more. . all that's left for me now is the room upstairs. it's a very pleasant room, ben. yes, thank you. no ben. i don't know everything about you. thank you, robert. no, ben. i could give it some thought, ben, but my leg is very sore. i agree. hmmm. elevator. thank you, eve - i like this house very much. ben is very ill, eve - i've seen that before. i like ben very much. he reminds me of the old man. yes. are you going to leave and close the house when he dies? that's good. good night, eve. yes. i would like a car. it's fine today, robert. yes, robert. but it's not bad. hardly any, robert. oh, thank you. no, robert. yes, robert. i know about the president. yes. ben called me. he wants me to meet the president. yes, ben told me to be in his room at ten o'clock. how do i know when it's ten o'clock? thank you, robert. i would like to walk today. oh, really? yes. i would like to go to rand memorial hospital. yes. yes, i would like to see ben. yes, ben. my leg is not very sore. you're looking much better today, ben. i understand. thank you, ben. . the nurse did a very good job, ben. i see, ben. yes, ben. that's a good idea. i agree, ben. yes. thank you very much. good morning, mr. president. you look much taller on television, mr. president. yes, i will. yes? yes? as long as the roots are not severed, all is well and all will be well in the garden. that is correct. in a garden, growth has its season. there is spring and summer, but there is also fall and winter. and then spring and summer again. yes. that is correct. yes. it has. yes. i will. yes, ben - he is. i'm glad he came, ben. it was nice talking to the president. no, ben. i understand. thank you, ben. i'm sorry that you are so sick, ben. hello, eve. yes. it's feeling much better now. fine. he's very nice. yes. he was a very wealthy man, he looked after me since i was young. mentor? yes. i was. yes. i liked louise very much. she was his maid. oh, no. she brought me my meals. what is that? oh, i like that very much. so am i, eve. thank you. yes. yes, eve. you'll be all right. hello. hello, sid. no. i'm not busy. the president is a nice person. i enjoyed it very much. i think you should ask mr. rand that. yes, that is correct. i think you should ask mr. rand that. i have nothing more to say. hmmm. elevator. no. oh, yes. yes, i have seen that show on television. yes. i would like to be on that show. no. i like this attic very much. yes. they are fine. hello, eve. thank you, eve. how is ben feeling? that's good. i like to watch, too. hello, morton. i see. yes. it's a very good show. thank you. i'm very thirsty. yes. you're welcome. yes. that is surprising. i hope so. no. i don't object. which view? yes. i was there with ben. yes. yes, i know the garden very well. i have worked in it all my life. it is a good garden and a healthy one; its trees are healthy and so are its shrubs and flowers, as long as they are trimmed and watered in the right seasons. the garden needs a lot of care. i do agree with the president; everything in it will grow strong, and there is plenty of room in it for new trees and new flowers of all kinds. in a garden, things grow - but first some things must wither; some trees lose their leaves before they grow new leaves. then they grow thicker and stronger and taller. some trees die, but fresh saplings replace them. gardens need a lot of care and a lot of love. and if you give your garden a lot of love, and if you work very hard and have a lot of patience, in the proper season you will see it grow to be very beautiful. yes. we need a very good gardener. i understand. oh, yes. it is possible for one side of the garden to be flooded, and the other side to be dry. some plants do well in the sun, and others grow better in the cool of the shade. it is the gardener's responsibility to take water from the flooded area and run it to the area that is dry. it is the gardener's responsibility not to plant a sun-loving flower in the shade of a high wall. it is the responsibility of the gardener to adjust to the bad seasons as well as enjoy the good ones. if the gardener does his job, everything will be fine. thank you. i am a very serious gardener. yes. thank you, perkins. certainly, ben. yes. i would like to escort eve. no, thank you. i see. good night, eve. come in! no, eve. i don't read the papers. i like the president. he is a very nice man. no, eve. i like you to be here. yes, eve. i know that. yes, eve. i'm very glad that you didn't open. yes. that could be true. fine. i didn't read it. no. i did not glance at it. i did not read that either. i do not know what it means. i do not read any newspapers. i watch tv. i like to watch tv. you're welcome. thank you, eve. yes. hello, dennis. yes. it is. hello, sophia. hello. his. his. i agree. yes, eve. i shall yield too. ben is very ill. yes, i agree, i think so too. yes, i understand. we are not far. . our chairs almost touch. i certainly do. do you think so? do you think so? oh, good. yes, it is. would you tell me your name again, please? yes. i like that name very much. yes, eve. that would be good. thank you. hello, ronald. i can't write. i can't read. yes. i like to watch. what sort of bed is it? i like to watch. yes. i like to watch very much. i want to tell eve. yes. yes, very well, thank you. yes. it's very tiny, but it's good. yes, i do, it's very good. do you need a doctor? i could call robert. i see. thank you. but my leg is still a little sore. are you sure you're not ill? no. i was with a man. we went upstairs. he was very ill, i stayed with him for a while. yes, eve. ben is very wise. thank you. i like to watch. yes. i like to watch. yes. it's very good, eve. good night, eve. that's very interesting, eve. yes. i would like to see ben. yes, ben - are you going to die now? oh, i see. a flower. yes. i would like to do that. yes, robert. i have seen it before. it happens to old people. will you be leaving now, robert? eve is going to stay. the house will not be closed. yes. i love eve very much. yes, robert - i am. i'll go tell eve about ben now, robert. hello, eve. yes. i've been looking for you, too, eve.