evening, chance. the old man is getting weaker, chance. i'm afraid he's slippin' a bit with every hour that goes by. back up those stairs - damn. that man's needin' me more and more just before he never needs me again. gobbledegook. you and your gobbledegook. you're gonna be the death of me yet, chance. . unless those stairs are. the good lord's liable to snatch up two unwillin' souls at the same time if i keep on trampin' up those stairs. i don't want none of that. he's dead, chance! the old man's dead! must of happened durin' the night, i don't know. lord, he wasn't breathin' and as cold as a fish. i touched him, just to see, and you believe me, chance - that's doin' more than i get paid to do. then i just covered him up, pulled the sheet over his head. then i got the hell out of that room and called the doctor and i think i woke him probably, he wasn't any too alert. he just said, 'yeah, he's been expectin' it and said he'd send somebody over' lord, what a mornin'! dammit, boy! is that all you got to say? more gobbledegook? that old man's layin' up there dead as hell and it just don't make any difference to you! well, ain't that the truth. oh, lord, chance - i don't know what i was expectin' from you. i'm sorry for yellin' like i did. no sir, i just don't know what i was expectin' . . i 'spose i'd better gather up some breakfast for you. well, no more stewin' those prunes every mornin', that's somethin', i guess. . what are you goin' to do now, chance? i'll get you some eggs. well, ain't you the gentleman this mornin'. . gotta go now, chance. you're gonna need somebody, someone's gotta be around for you, boy. . you oughta find yourself a lady, chance. but i guess it oughta be an old lady, 'cause you ain't gonna do a young one any good, not with that little thing of yours. . you're always gonna be a little boy, ain't you? . goodbye, chance. he used to be a big man. 'spose he wasted away to about nothin'. . i guess i'll be goin' off to find me some folks, old man. i'm not batty enough to stay around this neighborhood any longer. wait up! i'm goin' out that door first. gobbledegook! all the time he talked gobbledegook! an' it's for sure a white man's world in america, hell, i raised that boy since he was the size of a pissant an' i'll say right now he never learned to read an' write - no sir! had no brains at all, was stuffed with rice puddin' between the ears! shortchanged by the lord and dumb as a jackass an' look at him now! yes, sir - all you gotta be is white in america an' you get whatever you want! just listen to that boy - gobbledegook!