what's wrong with the jews? nobody reads that stuff anymore. too christian. you know jameson? paul virilio? disease? what disease? which is what? you're not in school? what do you do? where'd you read all that stuff? why no silencer? can i use a credit card? he should go to a hospital. "and the words fell apart in my mouth like moldering mushrooms" they're my father's. he's from argentina. my mother's family went there during the war. that's where they met. he's in a mental institution. he's been there for ten years, off and on. mostly on. i guess. his parents are. he doesn't care about that. killing himself. that's stupid. why would they? you're not like the others, are you?. your friends. hurt me. ow! that's too hard. do it again. get up. you gotta go. no, you have to leave. i've got to write a paper. out! i bet. he didn't realize that nobody who talks such a good game ever plays one. too many good players down here. i'm with one right now. bigger and better. danny. telephone. who's linda? i'm talking to you right now. who's linda? you can't. i have to go visit my father. he's at a home out here. no. just after midnight. five past. but don't come through the house, they'll hear you. i'm in the back bedroom, second floor. climb onto the kitchen roof, i'll leave the window open. where'd you get this? how come there's no punctuation? do you know it like that? by heart. but you can read it, the hebrew. right? 'cause i want to know. what is this word? this one here. oh, yeah. what's it mean? i want to learn to read it. know your enemy. 'cause it's a basic text of western culture. i want to read it in the original. okay? i'm good at languages. why not? that's stupid. what assholes. who gets contaminated, the jews or the gentiles? it looks a little like a swastika. where are they? the sex is better. with you there's a tragic dimension. payn tash-chiton v'ashiytem. v'asitem lechem pessel to-monat. and make no graven image of the lord, or the form of any figure, or of man or woman, or beast or fowl or fish or anything that looks like anything. because he's not like anything. not only can't you see him or hear him, you can't even think about him. i mean, what's the difference between that and him not existing? christianity's silly, but at least there's something to believe in. or not believe. judaism there's nothing. what's it about? and belief follows? fuck that. why should i submit? you think i should just because there's no reason? judaism doesn't even need god. you have the torah, the law. that's your fucking god. the book's closed. i told you, i'm good at this. oh, am i learning it faster than you did? maybe i'm smarter. is that funny? you think jews are the only smart ones? it's all you talk about. jewish, jewish, jewish. nobody talks about it that much except the jews. do they? is that why you became a nazi? so you could talk about jews incessantly? 'cause he wasn't a rabbi. okay. why don't we light candles on friday? let's light candles. and say the kaddish. i mean kiddush. let's say kiddush. and shave my head, fuck through a sheet, all that stuff. come on, just for fun. to see what it's like. oh, my god. lina. lina, come here! it's erev yom kippur. we'll have dinner, then go to shul. atone for our sins. come on, we can be like eichmann. he studied torah. he hated jews. i don't know. i just want to try it. no. what are you looking for? he commands it whether he exists or not. look, we can fight him and be crushed. or we can submit. yeah, okay. but what if. what if. submitting. being crushed, being nothing, not mattering, what if that's the best feeling we can have? look, just light the candles with me. then we'll eat. you have to eat. miriam called, looking for you. she said you might come, so i. you don't own this place. oh, please. danny!