if he ran out in front of a car, some old mick'd yell at him, "jimmy dunne, get back on that sidewalk and stay there" the day he graduated high school, he'd go see his uncle down at the gas works, or the priest's brother in the shipyard, get his apprentice papers, eight years later he'd be making $16.50 an hour, have four kids, play ball on sundays in columbus park, and when he died, the whole town'd get drunk and cry over him. today, when that kid walks down the street it's full of trash and half the faces are black. the shipyard's closed, all the jobs at the gas works are set-asides, and by the time he drops out of school, he can barely get a job at burger king. so he drinks, smokes crack, and when he hangs himself on the front porch at twenty-three, the only people at his wake are a couple of buddies and his mother. the boy's father won't find out he's dead till six months later. the soul of this country is being destroyed, and all the government can offer is free trade, mutual funds and ipos. i used to be one. no, seriously, i called myself an anarchist. i stood up for the oppressed. i opposed state power. i oppose the present state because it's weak. it has been ever since the left emasculated it over vietnam. but i think the average man is crushed less by accumulated capital than the loss of community or real leadership, the personal emptiness he simply cannot fill on his own. that's why i'm a fascist. it's the only form of government that addresses our deepest needs. more cultural than political. decentralized, nonviolent, increasingly mainstream. we'll see antiabortion, anti-immigration groups form alliances with the gun lobby, christian identity types, tax resisters and even some libertarians. this isn't the time for that. that would be a catastrophic mistake. they used to. today it's not an issue. you wouldn't announce it? but when it comes out, the public will be outraged. it will look like germany all over again. okay, let's break this up for now. could you wait a minute? i thought we agreed, no anti- semitism. it's exactly what we're trying to put behind us. trash the blacks, fine; but. yes, of course. but that only plays in this room, with people who aren't embarrassed to call themselves nazis. if you want a modern fascism, you don't mention jews. lina, the thousand-year reich barely lasted a decade. do you really want to go down that road again? in america of all places, where obedience and discipline are not exactly the national virtues. he speaks well. but what do we do with him? you mean who he really is. an investment banking house. how would you kill him? the prisoner returns. insulting people who were in the camps. . what's the point? i'm sure they are. but what do we accomplish by pointing it out? an urban type. he's mad, lina, you know that. what are you reading? leo strauss. i've got to go to boston. i came to say goodbye. they left an hour ago. you mind some personal advice? forget carla. that's not the side your bread's buttered on. how soon can you get back to the city? what's that? okay. surprise us. we want to build bridges to certain positions in the political mainstream: works like the bell curve, sociobiology, anti-zionism, anti- immigration, the com-munitarian issue. we'll hold conferences: invite liberals, blacks, jews. chomsky, cockburn, stanley crouch, shahack. that doesn't seem to be happening, does it? danny, the night we met, you said the name ilio manzetti. we were impressed. we were excited. but here it is september, and mr. manzetti is still walking around breathing the air. you should've gone to the police. daniel balint. yes, i believe that a bomb is going to be planted tonight at temple emanu-el on 65th street. by the same man who killed ilio manzetti. his name is daniel balint.