is it completely vegetarian? . what do they make the stock from?. not chicken, you're sure?. and no dairy. no, no cheese i don't eat cheese. yeah, all right. and the tropical fruit shake. how long?. vodka tonic. what do you think you're doing? who am i?? who are you, you schmucks, you can't even make a decent swastika. give me the paint. give it to me. it's too squared off. you got to orient it up and down, diamond-shaped, like this. . the arms go clockwise. you're going to curtis zampf; me, too. let's go? what do you think the fascism of the twenty-first century will look like? obviously. i disagree. i think race is central to everything we're talking about. spiritual life comes from race. from the blood. without that, we're no better than the jews. have you read toynbee? spengler? too difficult? the point is, the modern world is a jewish disease. abstraction. they're obsessed with abstraction. killing jews. people hate jews. do you agree? no, but deep down, beneath the "tolerance" they learn on television, nothing's changed. the very word makes their skin crawl. it isn't even hate, really. it's more the way we feel when a rat runs across the floor. we want to step on it. crush it. we don't even know why. it's a physical reaction. everyone feels it. prominent jews. who are either symbols in themselves or who represent aspects of the jewish character people despise. too obvious. yes. and larry king. leona helmsley, michael eisner, bob dylan, phillip roth, ruth bader ginsberg, steven spielberg, winona ryder, beverly sills, alvin toffler, katherine graham. all of them. but not yet. we don't want celebrity obscuring the issue. at first, no one will know why the victims are being killed. i'd say nothing. after two or three, people will try to find a pattern. a reason. isn't that what we want? germany all over again? only done right this time. without speeches or political parties. a movement without leaders so that no one can stop it. i work at the big boy warehouse. in queens. i drive a fork-lift. i just read it. daniel balint. it's german. from the rhineland originally. i was going to ask you the same thing. without blood -- a willingness to spill it -- there's no real power, no authority. we're already marginal. we are saying what no one else has the guts to say. isn't that precisely our appeal? ilio manzetti. former ambassador to france. managing partner at damon, schwarzchild. totally. the family emigrated from bulgaria when he was eleven. i'd have to research it, study his routines, his security. but ideally on a new york street at midday, using a small-caliber automatic without a silencer. you want it to be an event. then i won't bring you. read mein kampf? hitler had all his best ideas in prison. i'm not leaving without them. we'll go to the country sometime, okay? ". und die worte zerfielen mir im munde wie modrige pilze" how come so many of the books are in spanish? are they still together? is he a nazi? what's he care about? you think people ever commit suicide out of happiness? yes, i am. basically i am. i just came to get some stuff. i'll be out in five minutes. he doesn't want me around. then he couldn't be bitter about living alone. they're not my people. oh, he decides? hitler's the chief rabbi now?. what kids?. nobody ever beat me up. look, linda, there're fifty reasons. even if you knew them all, there'd be another fifty you didn't know. i've got to get back to the -- it's friday. "do chickens give milk?" dennis leary. no. howard stern. adam sandler. not like mr. dorfmann. and that's when the mets started to stink. valentine. linda says you're not supposed to have dairy. hello? new york times? who told you that? no, it's. yeah, it's true, but. how'd you get this number?. no, not here. maybe sunday? there's a place off queens blvd. near the courthouse. you. no. yeah, fine, go ahead. so what's this about? is this about me? what about curtis zampf? i agree. in the movement -- the racialist movement -- we believe there's a hierarchy of the races. not just in iq, but in the civilization, the art, the forms of government, the civilizations that each race produces. why are you writing this down if you're recording it? what should i be, a white inferior- ist? a multicultural zulu egalitarian? let me ask, where are your people from? german. mine, too. so who do you think's given more to the world, the germans -- beethoven, goethe, nietzsche -- or the entire continent of africa? ibos, bantus, mandingos. the jews are different. blacks are disgusting and inferior, but it's like criticizing a retarded child. the jews are. a poison in the human well. let me give you an example. sexuality. you ever fuck a jewish girl? did you ever fuck one, guy? and? what did you notice? jewish girls like to give head, right? and jewish men like to get it. yes. it's very pleasurable. but the jews are obsessed with it. you know why? because the jew is essentially female. real men -- white, christian men -- we fuck a woman. we make her come with our cocks. but the jew doesn't like to penetrate and thrust -- he can't assert himself that directly -- so he resorts to perversions. oral sex is technically a perversion, you know that, don't you? after a woman has been with a jewish man, she never wants a normal partner again. a normal man. you're not listening. he isn't better. he gives pleasure, but that's actually a weakness. let's just say i've done due diligence. the jews clearly control the media and the banks. investment banks, not the commercial ones. but the point is they carry out in those realms the same principles they display in sexuality. they undermine traditional life; they deracinate society. deracinate. tear out the roots. a people -- a real people -- derives its genius from the land: the sun, the sea, the soil. this is how they know themselves. but the jew doesn't have soil. those aren't jews. notice the israelis: a fundamentally secular society. they no longer need judaism because they have soil. the real jew is a wanderer, a nomad. he has no roots, no attachments. so he "universalizes" everything. he can't hammer a nail, plow a field. he can only buy and sell, invest capital, manipulate markets. he takes the life of a people rooted in soil and turns it into a cosmopolitan culture based on books, ideas, numbers. this is his strength. take the great jewish minds: marx, freud, einstein. what have they given us: communism, infantile sexuality and the atom bomb. in a mere three centuries since these guys emerged from the ghettos of europe, they've taken us from a world built on order and reason and hurled us into a chaos of class warfare, irrational urges and relativity, a world where the very existence of matter and meaning is in doubt. why? because it is the deepest impulse of the jewish soul to unravel the very fabric of life until nothing is left but thread, nothing but nothingness. nothingness without end. differences exist, of course, but they're irrelevant. for the jew, his jewishness dominates everything. even the ones who renounce it, who hate it, who want to cut it out of their hearts a knife. can't escape. they're still just jews. what? excuse me?. you're kidding, right? who? how would i know him? you believe that? and you call yourself a reporter? look at me. do i look jewish? look. do you know who you're fucking with here? listen to me. to discredit me. because i know who they are. look, i thought i explained it to you. those people can say or do anything. and they will. it's all narrative to them, it's. are you going to print what this guy said? it's slander. it's reckless disregard. i'll sue you and your fucking jew paper. look at me. look at me, guy. oh, now you can't look at me? look at me, you schmuck. look at me. you print that shit in the new york times. i'll kill myself. yes. i'll go look. we're from new york. curtis zampf invited us. enough? which was his room? yeah, i'm trying to reach carla, is she?. did she get my other message?. no, i'll call back. where's mrs. moebius? what is this, stalingrad? you could do it. you look right through him. he's there, but there's something on the other side of him that you want. it's all you want. and whatever's in the way doesn't matter. then it's easy. either of you know anything about explosives? the mother. carla?. it's me, danny. danny balint? we met at that. i didn't realize you cared. did you know that there was a new york times reporter there that night? i didn't notice his shoes. did your mother know he was there? he called me up. he wanted to talk to me about my ideas. you weren't complaining about my play last time. why don't you come visit, we'll have a rematch. oh, really? then how come you're talking to me? when are we going to do something? what about chicken? the bible only says don't seethe a kid in its mother's milk. but chickens don't give milk. but it's stupid, right? you admit it's stupid. you can have chicken with eggs but not with milk. why is that? but you already talked about it: you said it's not stupid. why isn't it stupid? steve's going to explain it. it's about the incomprehensible, steve, not the idiotic. that explains it! now we understand! and what did you do? what did you do while the sergeant was killing your son? shut up. what did you do? what could he have done?? you fucking kikes. the nazi's killing his kid. he could've jumped the guy. he could've gouged his eyes out, grabbed the bayonet and gutted him. what would you have done if they were killing your son? so they shot him! so he was dead. so what do you think you should have done? oh, please. where did you read this? robert faurisson? billings, if hitler didn't kill six million, why is he your hero?. concentration camps all over europe, and he only gets rid of a measly two hundred thousand. he's a putz. we have nothing to learn from these people. they should learn from us. kill your enemy. what is it? they're liars and cowards. it's the truth. they have guts. and they know what they hate. which is good. but they have no idea why; they don't think, they don't read. they're on beer and crank half the time. you mean ilio manzetti? hello? linda. how did you get this number? how did you get the fucking number? i don't do that. don't tell me what i -- no! why won't you talk to me? when can i see you? your father?? i'm coming to your room tonight. shut the fuck up. harriet kantor balint. eat shit. eat shit, assholes. what about mrs. moebius and? a week or so. there's something i want to do here first. shut up. fuck you. nothing. where is it? okay, let's take one of these panels off so we can get under the bema. the stage. what are they doing? what are you doing? put that down! . put it back in there. i don't, but. put it there, on the. just be careful with the. here. it's not paper, it's parchment. it's made from sheepskin. and all the letters are drawn by hand. it's called the flame alphabet. it's supposed to be the word of god written in fire. the mystics tried to read the white spaces around the letters. they thought there was a whole alternative language hidden there, with secret, alternative meanings. how come you don't know it? how can you say you hate the jews when you don't know anything about -- no, you don't. if you hated them, you'd study them, so you'd know why you hate them. you know what tefillin is? tsitsis? shotness? you know the kaddish from the kiddush? eichmann? he went to israel. he studied the torah, the talmud, the mishnah, the whole bit. he hated jews. who's eichmann?!!? yeah, but not on the letters. just don't. i said not on the -- stop it! what are you doing? shema yisrael adonai elohenu adonai echod. nothing. let's go. i'm stealing it. oh, fuck you. okay, everybody out. get out. alenu l'shab'ach la'adon hacol. what? what do you want? what happened to your article? why me? who'd you kill? how did you know they were jews? how? i'm a bad shot. i don't think i can -- i didn't. i told you, i can't -- oh, jesus. drake, are you okay? kyle, it's me danny. how you doing?. i had to come into the city to see mrs. moebius. no, i gave drake the van, didn't he bring it back? since when?. really? and he didn't call?. no, i don't know. sure, come on down. can you bring my stuff?. thanks. and if drake shows up, let me know right away. good. fine. i've been waiting all my life for something like this. fund-raising?? what about. manzetti, the synagogues. i've been stuck out in the country with those guys who just want to paint swastikas and heil hitler. how am i supposed to -- i'm not an intellectual. i mean, i read, but. fund-raising isn't what i. beth shalom? it's reform. they're not that jewish. i stole it. from a synagogue. that was a later invention, it's not in the scrolls. anyway, the jews know where the sentences end. they know the whole thing by heart. every word. every letter. no. what do you care? va-yomer. and he said. it goes the other way. va-yomer adonai el avram: lech lecha mayartzcha oo-mimohlad-tcha oo-m'bayt avaycha el ha-ertez asher arecha. and god said to avram, take yourself away from your land and from the place you were born and from your father's house into the land -- a different land -- and i will show you. why? hebrew's very difficult. it would take years. put something on. you're not supposed to be naked in front of it. they think it's the word of god, and it's holy, and the flesh isn't. yeah, it's stupid. put it on, or i won't teach you. see, the jews love to separate things: the holy from the profane, milk from meat, wool from linen, the sabbath from the week, the jew from the gentile. as if one little scrap of this was going to completely contaminate that. you can't curse in front of it either. good question. both. aleph. it's silent. it holds a place, takes a vowel. the vowels are little dots that go under the letters. they don't put them in the torah. i'll get you a chumash, they'll have them there. bet. gimel. dalid. hay. how come you're here instead of with curtis? besides the hebrew lessons. even though his dick is so big? vuv. zayin. chet. tet. that damn thing. you know how it made me look? i've gotta kill some jews, kyle. i'm serious. i'm always talking about it. this time it's gotta happen. what about drake, did he ever show up? shlomo? yeah, uh. so how are you? what's going on? jts? i'm in a kind of. underground. thing. no, no. not that kind of. underground. more a private. business. private. yeah, hey, how're you doing. wow, that's uh. great. i always won. i have a job. you gave fifty thousand to that college magazine. actually, i think this moment has possibilities that -- people still need values, beliefs. i don't care about money. you're a jew. maybe you don't realize it, but you are. how many of you think of yourselves as anti-semites? good. actually, the term is a bit imprecise since technically jews are only one of the semitic peoples. in fact, arabs are semites, as are the eritreans, the ethiopians, and so on. but for our purposes an anti- semite is someone who hates or is against jews. now, why do we hate them? let me put it another way. do we hate them because they push their way in where they don't belong? or because they're clannish and keep to themselves? because they're tight with money, or because they flash it around? because they're bolsheviks or because they're capitalists? because they have the highest iqs, or because they have the most active sex lives? do you want to know the real reason we hate them?. because we hate them. because they exist. because it is an axiom of civilization that just as man longs for woman, loves his children and fears death, he hates the jews. there is no reason. if there were, some smart-ass kike would give us an argument, try to prove we were wrong. and of course that would only make us hate them more. in fact we have all the reasons we need in three simple letters: j-e-w. jew. say it a million times. it is the only word that never loses its meaning: jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew. it's not his only son. they only kill them when they love them? and christianity's the same, with minor variations. what's a fascist? whereas avi's a zionist nazi. they're racist, they're militaristic, they act like bullyboys in the territories. they had sabra and shattila. read the early zionists on european jewry; they sound like goebbels. the nazis did everything the führer told them. you do everything the torah tells you. or the rebbe. identical slave mentality. to hear them read torah. that doesn't mean i don't like hearing it. i can't help what i think. how did you? you mean the times guy? with the shoes. there was more than one? v'asitem. no difference. nothing but nothingness. judaism's not about belief. about doing things. you light candles, say prayers, keep the sabbath, visit the sick. no. nothing follows. you don't do it because it's smart or stupid or it saves your soul. you're not saved. nobody's saved. you do it because the torah tells you do. you submit to the torah. don't curse in front of it. you shouldn't. no, i think you shouldn't. you're learning the hebrew really fast. plus you have nothing else to do all day. what? you think i'm jewish? nazis talk about it all the time. the real nazis. hitler, goebbels, they talked about jews incessantly. you ever read their diaries?. believe me, adolf hitler couldn't possibly have hated the jews as much as i do. not in a billion years. you know why? you want a punch in the mouth? kaddish is the prayer for the dead. we tested the new bomb. we redesigned the timing mechanism. it can't possibly malfunction. shema yisroel adonai elohenu adonai echod. who knows what that is? can anybody imagine why i would say a jewish prayer? that could be one reason. what's another? let me put it this way. who here would like to destroy the jews? who wants to grind their bones into the dust? and who wants to see them rise again, wealthier, more successful, powerful, cultured and intelligent than ever? then you know what you have to do?. you have to love them. did he say love them? love the jews? it sounds strange, i know, but with these people nothing is simple. the jew says that all he wants is to be left alone to study his torah, do a little business and fornicate with his over-sexed wife. but it isn't true. he wants to be hated. he longs for our scorn. he clings to it as if it were the very core and mystery of his being. if hitler had not existed, the jews would have invented him. for without such hatred, the so-called chosen people would vanish from the earth. and this reveals a terrible truth, the crux of our problem as nazis: the worse the jews are treated, the stronger they become. egyptian slavery made them a nation; the pogroms hardened them, auschwitz gave birth to the state of israel. suffering, it seems, is the very crucible of their genius. if the jews are, as one of their own has said, a people who will not take yes for an answer, then let us say yes to them. if they thrive on opposition, let us cease to oppose them. the way to annihilate them, utterly and completely, is to open our arms, take them into our homes and embrace them. only then will they vanish into assimilation, dilution. and love. but we cannot pretend. the jew is nothing if not clever. he will see through condescension and hypocrisy. to destroy him, we will have to love him sincerely. yes. infinitely more. they would become as god. it is the jews' destiny to the annihilated so that they can be deified. jesus understood this perfectly. and look what was accomplished there with the death of just one enlightened jew. imagine what would happen if we killed them all!! so, let us say together. shema yisroel. i was just trying to make a point. if -- you can't. do you know how many people i've brought into. the movement? who was it? do you think i. kyle. i can't talk right now. no. what were you, following me? i don't. look, stay out of what you don't understand. you work for the new york times. your whole job in life is not to understand things like me. yeah, and what are you? a times man? a presbyterian? impotent? a prick? if i tell you, will you pull the story? not write about me? get the fuck away from me. a forty-five. you're lying. i was just talking. i -- look, i can't help what i think. but i wasn't. i can't say that. the truth doesn't mean anything to you, does it? fucking kike. what's going on? is it like eichmann? are we goofing? shit. did you talk to your mother today? nothing. why are you doing this? i thought god didn't exist. and be crushed. you eat first, then you light. once you light, it's yom kippur, which means you're fasting, so you can't. eat. a woman of valor, who can find her? her price is above rubies. miriam, it's me, danny. come on, the holiday hasn't started, pick up the -- . is stuart davening ne'ilah tomorrow at the minyan. 'cause he always does. tell him i'm doing it instead. miriam, i'm davening. he gives me any trouble, i'll beat the shit out of him right there in the room. i'm serious. lina. it's happening. tonight. beth shalom. like you wanted. lina, you said if i was going to plant a bomb, i should -- how're we doing? it'll be enough if we use it right. okay, the service'll go about another hour. say an hour for the janitors, then one more just to be safe. we'll go in at midnight. i'm not hungry. come on, let's drive around. we don't want to be spotted here. keep driving. don't slow down. not too fast. they don't. i checked twenty times. somebody must have talked. mrs. moebius. the manzetti thing must have scared her. she thinks she'll get implicated. take a right on 59th. we'll put it someplace else. i have an idea. over here. no, it has to be tomorrow. you won't get this many of them in here for another year. it'll be fine. just do it. it's just somebody on the street. seven-thirty tomorrow evening. gamar tov. what are you doing here? you gotta get out of here. shut up. there's a bomb here. it's going to go off at seven-thirty. get out of my way. page 766. yis-gadal, v'yis-kadash sh'mey raba. da-amiran b'alma, v'imru amen. wait a minute. stop praying. you've got to get out of here. all of you. drake! up here. get everybody out of here. fast. drake. drake, i'm right here. get her out of here! i can't right now.