do i give a shit? the torah says not to light a fire on the sabbath, because it's work, correct? but if alternating current's running through the wires every second of every day, and i throw a switch, send it here instead of there, how is that lighting a fire? exactly. who's this? leary? obviously. funny? he was funny. after your mother died, that's when you stopped going to shul. doing your homework. everything. 'cause they got rid of johnson. he knew how to deal with the assholes. dallas green, please. there's some maple walnut in the freezer. just a little. what's the difference? yeah?. hold on. it's for you. hush, come on, don't cry. everything will be all right. excuse me, i'm sorry, just a moment. please, sweetheart, you have to go. i'll see you soon.