number ten. a staging ground for the invasion, yeah. but he blew it going after civilian targets. just like he blew the russian front, diverting supplies to auschwitz. her place is down the road. but she just comes out for weekends sometimes. that was unbelievable what you did to lucas. the guy's an animal. get out of here. which one were you aiming at? green dot -- shotgun powder. for pipe bombs. a guy in a lumberyard gave it to me. a donation to the cause. what? open it up. neat calligraphy. cool. he was head of the gestapo's jewish sector. he deported people to the camps. let's get out of here. shit! this will be a different kind of device. i'm sorry, danny. it won't happen again. i'm going to use a brand-new power cell. plus we'll have a back-up timer. it will. no, it's weird, man. nobody knows where he went. "my country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee i" that's all we've got left. didn't you get anything? oh, what is this shit? christ. you said they didn't have night guards. who even knew? why? why would she? so what do we do with the device? where? it's all reinforced in here. it's not going to blow out the way we want it. if i went back to the lumberyard, the guy'd give me all the dynamite i wanted. untraceable, you wouldn't -- need to. it's not going to be fine. it's -- what's that? when do you want it to go off? so that's what? nineteen thirty minutes. what time is it now. are you kidding me?? yeah, i bet i do.