carla. did you see how they reacted to him? it's a romantic movement, curtis. it always has been. he's jewish? manzetti? we want you to help run it. give speeches, lead seminars. handle the fund-raising. we think you'd be good at it. we need intellectuals, we have enough thugs already. look, if you want to kill jews on your free time, fine. we need you to raise money. will you do that for us? thank you. do you have a suit? let's get him one. and a cell phone too. and if you insist on blowing up a synagogue, make it that big one on fifth avenue, would you? so what? i don't care what they are. i know those people, and i don't like them. the rest are just a bunch of kikes, aren't they? half the right-wing money in new york is here tonight. they came to see you. if you impress them, if you do what i know you can, this movement will be up and running by tomorrow. and on the front page of the new york times in six months. what? danny, please. just give your speech. and nothing about jews, okay? are you out of your mind?! i'm relieving you of all duties. i don't want you working for us anymore. danny, please, we don't want to know. none whatsoever. but i have to admit, i'm not terribly surprised. i think anti-semitism today is largely a jewish phenomenon. wouldn't you agree? yes, and they were said to be the most virulent proponents of the final solution. really, who but a jew would want to kill ilio manzetti simply because he was jewish? who thinks about such things? curtis is always more complicated than he seems. even now.