the man was afraid to let us hide on his farm any longer, but he agreed to take us to a more remote place. on the way he was stopped at a checkpoint, and when the soldiers found us in the hay, one of them grabbed my son out of my arms. he began to cry, so i reached for him, not to take him back, simply. simply to assure him i was there. but the sergeant became enraged. he stuck his bayonet in my son's chest, and lifted him up, impaled on it. my son was three years old. he held him up so that the blood spurting out of him feel on my face. the soldiers were laughing. when the blood stopped, the sergeant pushed my son off the bayonet and said, "there, you can have him now" and you, you think you know what you would have done? you have no idea. you can't even imagine what that was like. and you never will.