yeah. jeez, it's been since, what, kenny's wedding. i'm in the rabbinic program at jts. what about you? what are you doing? something strange, i bet. are you an artist? you remember miriam. she's at yale law -- interning with the district attorney. we're getting married next spring. in israel. it's great seeing you. oh, good idea. we're davening with this group from the seminary. interesting people, very open-minded, you might like them. and guess who comes. avi! you guys could go at it again like the good old days. danny and avi used to argue about everything. torah, talmud, politics, girls. it always ended in a fistfight. it's a k.i. on 101st. in the little chapel. try to make it. it'd be fun. come on, avi. listen, danny, you can't just barge in and -- danny, listen, people expect me to daven; they don't want someone they don't know -- leading their prayers. you wanted to daven. now daven.