kissinger. dershowitz. roseanne. oooo. weird. you read it from right to left. the letters look like squashed bugs. what kind of paper is that? b'rosh hashanah yika-teyvun, uv'yom tsom kippur yey-chateymun. shhhh. can you please be quiet? it's just a style, avi. there are antiracist skins. the israeli army knew about the camps. sharon encouraged the falangists to go in there and murder all the -- it's yom kippur. people are davening. can you take it outside. you have some nerve. avinu malkenu, choney-nu v'aneyenu. avinu malkenu, choney-nu v'aneyenu, ki eyn banu ma-asim. -- nu va-aneynu. cha'nainu v'anainu, ki ain baw-nu ma'ah-seem. asey imanu tz'dakah va'chesed. asey imanu tz'dakah va'chesd, v'ho- shi --