i don't think i can swallow that. too thick. i'm sure it's too thick. no. take it away. bring me some cool water, that's all. yes, you can have quite a few. mmmm. thank you sethe. now tell me, i know halle's no trouble but the others, the pauls and sixo - how's my brother-in- law handling them? all right? they do what he tells them? good. that's a mercy. i know he's no mr. garner. but after he died, i had no else to turn to. i would've had to sell one. it wasn't even enough selling paul f. and in my condition. i needed help. people said i shouldn't be alone here with nothing but negroes. and he is a learned man being a schoolteacher. i know his ways might be a little more strict but as long as the men do as they're told i'm sure it'll be fine. all right, i'm through. talking makes me tired. my god sethe. what happened to you?