is this the lago del demonio? . huacracocha? gracias. don't you have a heater? does anybody live to make a second? forget about the heater! yes, thank you. intravenous if possible. both. did i just see a man in a red suit and goggles? would it be out of place to ask what he's doing? the guy in the halloween suit! who. who is that? that's the experiment? dumping a guy into a frozen lake? i'll have to talk to the driver. you really send him under the ice? he isn't a slave or a convict or anything? but. how is he going to breathe? how long can he stay down? without breathing? why is he doing this? shouldn't somebody take him a blanket or something? will he understand spanish? we saw each other a little while ago. no. in the hut. sally? again? i hope they remembered to take the microwave this time? you called the police? so what, all they ever want is your phone number anyway. what? nice. very interesting. great! . i guess. it's his heartbeat. 6'3", 6'1", maybe 5'9" -- you can't be sure, you know the flippers, they add height or they take it away, or something. anyway short dark hair. not punk or anything, just short. and the cutest smile. he wasn't smiling at me, i don't think -- just smiling. and he thought he saw me in the lake. i mean that was a figure of speech. they're so romantic, the french. haven't you been listening? don't be a jerk. there's no such thing as love at first sight. what kind? sorry. of course not, definitely not. well, maybe a little. what did you say? right chief! like a popsicle. they're keeping him on a stick until spring. so am i. okay, listen, just get the custom's office to send me a copy as fast as possible. we can't send you new equipment until our file is complete. okay? you've made me a happy insurance person. wait! professor? you don't know how i could reach that diver of yours. mayol. we need some additional information. i mean, we have a few questions to ask him. listen, i just found out we've got real problems in sicily! the mafia! la cosa nostra! coppola! de niro! i knew it! i knew we shouldn't have written that policy!! the documents are forged. yes! the notary is a phony. he has the same signature as the contractor! we have to send somebody over there immediately! if we prove the forgery we can cancel the policy. we'll be off the hook. there's a flight to rome in two hours and from there its just a short hop to sicily. i tried him, he can't go. his son is being bar mitzvohed tomorrow. i'll go, boss. italian is practically the same thing. hello! yes. johana cross, pleased to meet you. well! isn't this a coincidence. i really wasn't expecting this. all the way out here. it's incredible! thank you. i wouldn't want to interrupt anything. i wish, but it's full. they recommended a pension in town. they say that all of taormina is full. what's going on here? i was doing an insurance investigation in palermo. i work for an insurance company. so, i decided to take a few days off. i don't know this island at all. it really is gorgeous. i think i'll have a coffee. okay. i'll try. in a lake. congratulations. thank you. thanks for helping with the bag. it looks great! i'm being a pain in the ass. it's beautiful here. you're going to be very busy these days aren't you? just because. i would have liked to visit the town. see the coast. i don't know anybody. expect for you. but you are going to be very busy. you must have tons of things to prepare, interviews. and a competition like this one must require a great deal of concentration, right? i guess. but you know. i'm american and i've mostly been taught to be competitive. there's always pleasure of being the best? you can put down the suitcases, you know. i thought you'd be at the dinner. you look adorable. especially the sneakers. no. you forgot the hula! you'll be lovely, but no thanks. jacques, would you do a native dance for me? have you known him long? what was he like, when he was little? i get it, enzo you were a superior child. and just where are you from? no. that's what he's here for, isn't he? take it easy. won what? the ass hole award? well, let me tell you, it's a tie! acting like a pair of two year olds! you could have died in that damn pool! lucky i was there to save you. only to help the medics, i assure you. it's still here. well, water isn't exactly the best thing for pictures. not even for pictures of dolphins. you scared me! just checking up on your family. i guess i was drunker than i thought and the idea of going back to my hotel in a wet dress. well. i'd better get back now. no? huh? yes, of course!! how can you tell it's a female? he's a dolphin specialist. how do you know that? okay. we're in training. congratulations, enzo. enzo, stop bitching, will you? well, good night, then. yes. it's a comfortable place. the mamma's there too. good night enzo, good night jacques. leave it alone, enzo, it's okay. can i come watch you dive tomorrow? what are they for? if there was a problem, they could do something right? and those? what's that little air bottle on the machine? but doesn't jacques dive without anything? jacques, listen to the applause. jacques, you set a world record. aren't you happy? don't you feel proud? i feel proud and all i did was watch. is it a poem? jacques? i'm going to leave, jacques. i'm going back home. because one shouldn't fall in love with creatures from the sea. yes you do. you know exactly what i'm talking about. you're afraid i want to hold onto you, and i do, but you're not ready. at least not for me. i've got to get back to the hotel. and get my suitcase packed. take good care of yourself, jacques. way past it. no. i'm just depressed. i know, i know! i'm a terrible person. it's. i'm so damn, damn sad. do you think i should have stayed? don't you think maybe i should have stayed? i've been a jerk, right? i should have stayed! i was supposed to be in love. i was in love! i am in love, why did i act like a bitch? he went swimming. all the man did was go swimming! i must be crazy. it was too good to be true. it's serious, right? it's in order! thank you. thank you. i came to make a clean breast of everything. the whole business. remember when i went to italy and canceled the policy on the new stadium. well, we weren't being cheated by the mafia or anybody except maybe by me. . do they come for lunch everyday? i really went on my own business, to see a man that i happen to be in love with. and i'm glad i did it, but i'm sorry about the policy and i'll be happy to make up the money the company didn't get. of course just now i don't have. one million, four hundred and ten thousand dollars. but if you were to dock my salary, say, twenty dollars a week, in a few hundred years we'd be even. and i think this is where you fire me? will that interfere with my getting maternity leave? i'm pregnant. no. he's french, he was just in italy for the competition. yes, isn't it wonderful? i'm so happy. i'll bet i'm the happiest pregnant fired person in the world! bon appetit and adieu! it's me. johana. i got fired. it's getting light out. so have i. . hello? well, then, talk to me some more. then, tell me a story. no. tell me. it's me again. i'm being a pain, huh? you sure? okay. in that case. i'm at the airport in nice. are you okay? why did you take me to the hotel, if you live here. someone in there? bonjour monsieur. louis. i'm very pleased to meet you, uncle louis. i said i was from new york. it's going to be. interesting. we get the picture, roberto. jacques, i think louis needs help. enzo! maybe, if jacques will let me fix up the place a little. yes. not like enzo. i'm pregnant, bonita! yes. no. i can't. i just don't know how to. i was thinking of something kinda stupid last night. you know those women in the greek mythology that made love with the gods. take leda for example, sleeping with jupiter, who came to earth as a swan. well, can you imagine leda announcing to her swan "you're going to be a father, my little chick-a-dee"? probably not, but i still don't have the nerve to tell him. and you? do you love enzo? well, how was it? and you? you'll try again tomorrow? you forgot your magazine! nothing. you're leaving? of course. bonita, you shouldn't be discouraged so easily. not yet. i'm waiting for the right moment. what are you doing? jacques? it's nothing. just the long trip. i'm a little jet-lagged. no, i'll be fine. can you just hand me a glass of water? what are you doing here? enzo, why do you guys do this? you know what i'm talking about. why do you and jacques risk your lives diving? damn it! why won't you give me a straight answer, for once?! i won't, i swear. a little. you think it's the same for jacques? he can learn. he is learning. how do you know that? not yet. why? five minutes and fifty seconds. is he alright? what happened? do you ever sometimes just stop and think how sweet life can be? when you dive. with that machine. what does it feel like? why? sleep now. we'll talk later. i'll go see how he's doing. jacques. are you alright? jacques? are you alright? answer me! are you alright? you've got to tell me what happened? jacques, you know i love you. see what? there is nothing to see! it's pitch black down there! it's cold. you'll be all alone! look at me, jacques! i am here! i exist! look!!! i'm real! i am not a dream! jacques will you look at me? please! jacques? i'm pregnant. you are the father. i lied. to keep you here. promise me one thing. promise you won't forget me.