it's about time!
did you have a nice trip? we were getting restless, it's been three weeks since the accident.
you should get things moving, you know. we're out of equipment and we can't do half of our experiments! frank, check the program!
mayol.  jacques mayol.
 the truck fell into a very deep crevasse. we weren't able to save the equipment.
in the spring when he melts!
my dear, science is a cruel mistress.
he isn't going to breathe.
that's his heartbeat. can you hear the speed at which it's slowing down, it's incredible.
he's in the fluoroscope now. listen to his heart. impressive, huh? the flow of blood is concentrated in the brain and doesn't even feed the limbs anymore. it's a phenomena that has only been observed with dolphins.  until now.
it depends. he should come up soon. unless he's decided to stay for the night.
for one thing, it's his job.  as for the rest of it, i wish i knew.
coffee might be nice.
his mother's an american. he spent half of his life in the states. i'd try english if i were you.
 i said, all the truck papers are in the glove compartment!
okay, okay. you'll have it by the end of the week, how's that?
then, goodbye.
the last thing i heard, he was off to taormina for the world diving championships. that's taormina, in sicily!
so you're the famous enzo molinari?
he really was unbelievable, 328 feet, deeper than the world record.  .  and, jacques! he held his breath for four minutes and fifty seconds!
you must be very careful, jacques. at these depths, to hold your breath for over five minutes is.  you'd really be pushing it. i think it's very, very dangerous.
 when i analyzed the data from mayol's last dive, it became apparent.  .  at the depths these men are diving, it is a physiological impossibility that they can retain enough oxygen in their blood to make it back to the surface. it's a function of how long it takes to get to the bottom, orient themselves and to return.  to attempt to break mayol's record is simple suicide. for the last time. i'm telling you cancel the competition.
just give him five minutes! what does it matter now, anyway.  come on, just leave him alone!
take this. have a good sleep.
sweet dreams.
let him sleep.