i changed the lock you son of a bitch! you're back! hello. we were burgled. they got the new t.v. and the new stereo. yep. how was your trip? help me clean up, okay? they're going to send detectives. when they get around to it. well? how was your trip? okay. who'd you meet? a cardiogram? you met a doctor! congratulations, you're in the chips. unless they have socialized medicine in peru. do they? oh jesus! i'll make some coffee. they left the stove. i thought you said he was peruvian? since eight o'clock last night! you're in love. and if we repaint the walls, we'll need new curtains, you put the painters on you visa and i'll do the curtains on american express. for the couch there's bloomingdales. or are you still over your limit? does that have a hidden meaning? you look it too. you haven't been working out, you haven't been taking your vitamins! you haven't been drinking your herbs, you haven't been. what is it honey. the frenchy? vitamins, exercise, herb tea. and see a doctor, will ya?