jacques touches bottom. clamps his legs around a rock to hold himself down. unhurried, thoroughly at home, 40 feet under. he opens the plastic bag. a huge speckled moray eel appears in a hole in the rock, slithers toward him. the carnivore's jaws are bigger than the boy's head. the gueuse slides down the cable. jacques hangs on like a ribbon in the wind, past a marker, 90 feet down. enzo gets out of the diving capsule, head first. he is connected to the capsule by a number of cables. the two divers have gotten to the spot they are supposed to be working on. they have their arms around each other and are dancing. jacques dives down very fast. the control takes place at 200 feet, the doctors check him and let him go. he continues his descent, it's getting darker and darker around him. jacques slides along the cable, pulled by the weight of the gueuse. he has a beautiful smile on his face. he is in his element. night has closed in around him. he turns on the headlight of the gueuse, it casts a dim light around him. jacques keeps going down, as serene as ever. he has gained a lot of speed. the gueuse jerks to a stop and shakes the cable. jacques turns his body right side up. the headlight on the gueuse illuminates only a few feet around jacques, as if he were standing in a circle of light. he stays there, patiently floating around and around his cable. as if he were waiting for something.