honey, it's still your night. how did you get here? ruth mchibbon offered to pick you up at the airport. you didn't need to do that. you just didn't. i'm so glad you're here. you shouldn't have flown. but. thank you. i'll bet you need to -- down the hall on the right. the door sticks. you have to really pull it. he's up with your father. he's impossible. he won't eat. and because he won't eat, he gets weaker. and because he's weaker, he doesn't want to eat. you don't talk about those things. not yet. you don't think he looks any worse. get him to drink one of these. he won't, but tell him he has to. really! that's wonderful. we'll have to pick up a copy. of course. yes. yes, will, i do. and don't presume things you don't know. would you say you understand josephine? no it's not. it's exactly the same. your father and i met, we dated, and we married -- we chose each other -- because we understood each other on some fundamental level. just the same as you two. yes, you both think william bloom is a very smart man. the problem is, you only see me as your mother, and not as someone's wife. and i've been his wife longer than i've been your mother. you can't discount that. i know it's not easy. just remember, he didn't choose to be your father and you didn't choose to be his son. you just ended up together. you could pick numbers out of a dark bag and it'd be just the same. if you ask me, it's a wonder parents and children can stand each other at all. well, clearly you don't. but i'm not the mystery you're trying to solve right now. before i forget, your father has papers in the basement i'd like you to go through. i wouldn't know what's important. was she one of your teachers? do you know who that is? i'm sorry. no i'm sorry, i. i'm engaged to be married. but you're wrong. i do know you, at least by reputation. edward bloom from ashton. see, i'm actually engaged to a boy from ashton. don price. he was a few years older than you. stop it. it's not funny. that poor boy. daffodils? how did you get so many? you don't even know me. it's don. promise me you won't hurt him. stop it! don! i will never marry you. he's almost a stranger and i prefer him to you. how can i convince you to stop? okay. i'm going to get started on dishes. your father decided he needed to have an office, and it wouldn't do to have it in the house. you'll know better than me what's important. it was during the war. your father went missing. they thought he was dead. not everything your father says is a complete fabrication. i'm going to check on him. sitting on the edge of the tub. she doesn't seem particularly worried -- her husband has always done this. i see. we need to get you one of those plant misters. we can spray you like a fern. i don't think i'll ever dry out. he just fell asleep. josephine's with him. yes? i suppose your grandmother's house when she passed on. but we sold that right away. your cousin shirley bought it. heavens no. we had a hard enough time keeping the mortgage on this place. i don't suppose one of us could stay with him. in case he. in case he wakes up, one of us should be there. that's okay? you'll call if. yes. thank you. i know. it was the same when i was carrying will. like clockwork. do you like it, being pregnant? i loved it. it sounds peculiar, but i loved every minute of it. i did. eddie was travelling a lot, so he was gone, but i felt like i always had a piece of him with me. a little part of his soul inside me. i could feel it. it was alive and kicking. i really miss that.