what tied the room together, dude? what-- i was bowling-- yeah walter, what's your point? what the fuck is he talking about? he peed on the dude's rug-- and this guy peed on it. his name is lebowski? that's your name, dude! grasshopper dude--they're dead in the water!! what's a pederast, walter? if what's during league play? what's wrong with walter, dude? what do you mean, dude? i am the walrus. i am the walrus. what the fuck is he talking about? yeah dude, why is walter so pissed off? they posted the next round of the tournament-- this saturday. quintana and-- burkhalter. it's already posted. how come you don't roll on saturday, walter? what's that, walter? sheesh. oh yeah, how'd it go? walter, if you can't ride in a car, how d'you get around on shammas-- who has your undies, walter? where you going, dude? your phone's ringing, dude. and then they're gonna stamp on it?! they were nazis, dude? uh-huh. no-- well-- what do you need that for, dude? those are good burgers, walter. we'll be near the in-and-out burger. who's in pyjamas, walter? are these the nazis, walter? are they gonna hurt us, walter? i got eighteen dollars, dude.