okay sir, you're a lebowski, i'm a lebowski, that's terrific, i'm very busy so what can i do for you? you told brandt on the phone, he told me. so where do i fit in? i'll say it again, all right? you told brandt. he told me. i know what happened. yes? yes? did i urinate on your rug? hello! do you speak english? parla usted inglese? i'll say it again. did i urinate on your rug? hello! hello! so every time--i just want to understand this, sir-- every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, i have to compensate the-- you're just looking for a handout like every other--are you employed, mr. lebowski? are you employed, sir? you don't go out and make a living dressed like that in the middle of a weekday. but i do work, so if you don't mind-- my wife is not the issue here. i hope that my wife will someday learn to live on her allowance, which is ample, but if she doesn't, sir, that will be her problem, not mine, just as your rug is your problem, just as every bum's lot in life is his own responsibility regardless of whom he chooses to blame. i didn't blame anyone for the loss of my legs, some chinaman in korea took them from me but i went out and achieved anyway. i can't solve your problems, sir, only you can. sure! fuck it! that's your answer! tattoo it on your forehead! your answer to everything! your "revolution" is over, mr. lebowski! condolences! the bums lost! my advice is, do what your parents did! get a job, sir! the bums will always lose-- do you hear me, lebowski? the bums will always-- it's funny. i can look back on a life of achievement, on challenges met, competitors bested, obstacles overcome. i've accomplished more than most men, and without the use of my legs. what. . . what makes a man, mr. lebowski? huh? is it. . . is it, being prepared to do the right thing? whatever the price? isn't that what makes a man? you're joking. but perhaps you're right. bunny. bunny lebowski. . . she is the light of my life. are you surprised at my tears, sir? strong men also cry. . . strong men also cry. i received this fax this morning. as you can see, it is a ransom note. sent by cowards. men who are unable to achieve on a level field of play. men who will not sign their names. weaklings. bums. brandt will fill you in on the details. start talking and talk fast you lousy bum! where's my goddamn money, you bum?! they did not receive the money, you nitwit! they did not receive the goddamn money. her life was in your hands! nothing is fucked! the goddamn plane has crashed into the mountain! what?! what in god's holy name are you blathering about? no. no mr. lebowski, that had not occurred to me. brandt, give him the envelope. since you have failed to achieve, even in the modest task that was your charge, since you have stolen my money, and since you have unrepentantly betrayed my trust. i have no choice but to tell these bums that they should do whatever is necessary to recover their money from you, jeffrey lebowski. and with brandt as my witness, tell you this: any further harm visited upon bunny, shall be visited tenfold upon your head. by god sir. i will not abide another toe. well, she's back. no thanks to you. who the hell is he? well, you have your story, i have mine. i say i entrusted the money to you, and you stole it. well? aren't you? all right, get out. both of you. i said out. now. stay away from me, mister! put me down, you son of a bitch! you're bullies! cowards, both of you! you monsters! stay away from me! you bullies! you and these women! you won't leave a man his fucking balls!