what's your drink, dude? i wouldn't know, dude. i deal in publishing, entertainment, political advocacy, and-- regrettably, it's true, standards have fallen in adult entertainment. it's video, dude. now that we're competing with the amateurs, we can't afford to invest that little extra in story, production value, feeling. people forget that the brain is the biggest erogenous zone-- of course, you do get the good with the bad. the new technology permits us to do exciting things with interactive erotic software. wave of the future, dude. 100% electronic. of course you do. i can see you're anxious for me to get to the point. well dude, here it is. where's bunny? me? how would i know? the only reason she ran off was to get away from her rather sizable debt to me. i've heard the kidnapping story, so save it. i know you're mixed up in all this, dude, and i don't care what you're trying to take off her husband. that's your business. all i'm saying is, i want mine. of course, there's that to discuss. refill? let's say a 10% finder's fee? a fifteen-year-old? is this your idea of a joke?