it happened again! david, the girl is absolutely useless! you've got to get me someone who knows what she is doing! excuse me. i'm not getting any of my mail, nothing has been filed! ever since she got engaged, my life has been a disaster! she spent the last three months writing down her married name. mrs. judy hicks. mrs. donald hicks. mrs. judy mitchleson hicks. sometimes with a hyphen, sometimes without a hyphen. sometimes she spells the hyphen! put her on unemployment! but every bit of research and focus testing. are you okay! vice president in charge of product development. and he came from data processing! did you know they gave him bob's old office? nothing. zero. yes. and fisher price and worlds of wonder. i have called everywhere. nobody's ever heard of him! face it paul. the guy comes from data processing. you're being paranoid paul. i, uh. he's not vicious. all he said was "i don't get it." mmm hmm. love your tux. have you decided what you're doing on the danberry line? well, uh, i think if you got everyone's input up front, i mean right from the beginning. what? excuse me. hi. all the same people having all the same discussion. it's like they cloned some party in 1983 and kept spinning it out again and again and again. i loved your ideas on the squeezy doll line. they were so, incisive. it's beluga. macmillan orders it every year. you all right? you okay? you want a glass of water? you want something to drink? i've got a car outside. you want to get out of here? let's go. i'm not really a big one for parties. you know, i like things that are a little more intimate. well, it's the company's car. i mean, just seeing someone in the office, you don't really get a chance to know them. i mean, just being with you here tonight, i really get a sense of who you are. no. no. you see, it's hard in a business situation. i mean there's this invisible line and even you're attracted to someone. what, are you going to call someone before? uh, i mean at this point in my life i. don't. don't play with the radio. leave the uh. don't. i'm really vulnerable right now! you know. i mean, i love my job and i. really? i'd love to see where you live. so have you always lived alone? ah. is it just recently or? give yourself a couple of days, it'll pass. well, it can be painful but, that's what they invented xanax for, right? i'm not sure we should do this yet. well, i mean i like you and i want to spend the night with you. well,. yeah! you live here? yeah. huh? yeah, sure. what? sorry. no. no, thank you. is that a trampoline? no. no, i don't think. do have some wine? no, i'm. i'm. i'll watch. help me up? okay. you want me to jump? there. now can we have a drink? there. sure. yeah. i gave him a ride home paul. don't be ridiculous. i don't feel like going out tonight. i know. he's scared of you. you don't play his game. he punched you because he's scared of you. it's just the way he is. everything is a fight with him. everyone's an enemy. it's not just a job for him, it's a war. what? you don't. you don't know me that well. how do you do it? what does it look like?! shampoo, razor, toothpaste, two neckties and your exercise tape! oh, and i want my keys back! oh, it has nothing to do with him. it's not like that anymore! he's a grown up! i can't believe you brought up golding. hi. do you want to come in? sit down. want to go? what? where? is it gone? is that. gone? listen. wanna dance? well we don't have to if you don't want to. all right. mm mm. oh, i haven't done this in a long time. what were you like when you were younger? i believe that about you. i've been thinking about you a lot. it's crazy. in my car, lying in bed. i've just never gone out with someone like you. with all the other men there was so much to hide. i feel like i can tell you anything. what? you want the light on? i know. send out for some sandwiches. you can do it. i know you can! why? nobody knows more about toys in the entire company! all he wants is a proposal! look, you come up with the ideas and i'll handle the marketing. come on. it'll be neat. you've got great ideas! an electronic comic book? that's amazing! this is incredible. you're brilliant--you know that? you're wonderful. what. what is it we're doing? . what's going on here? no! no! it's. i mean if it's an affair, that's one thing. but if it's something else. i mean, not that we have to know right now, we don't. but if we think that it could turn into something else. well. how do you feel about all of this? how do you feel about me? josh, what's wrong? what is it? oh, honey, come here. you can tell me anything. what? what do you mean? josh. josh. what are you talking about? oh my god! you're married! i knew that this was too good to be true! i knew that there had to be something! you're not? what? oh that's fine. that is just great! no. i understand. i'm not ready to make a commitment! i'm not ready to accept responsibility! oh! and who isn't? you think that there isn't a frightened kid inside of me, too! oh right! and just yesterday i was a school girl with pigtails! why are you doing this josh? oh stop it! fine josh! you're a kid! look, i really don't know what it is that you're trying to tell me. but we have a very big presentation to give tomorrow, so i'm going to get some sleep. see, there's a computer chip inside which stores the choices, so when you reach the end of the page, you decide where the story goes. that's the point. a kid makes his own decision. yeah. in fact, it's a very simple program. isn't that right? well, that's the great thing. you can just sell different adventures. just pop in a new disk and you get a whole new set of options. well, our initial figure is around. around $7.00, with a retail cost of around $18.95. i think a kid. would you excuse me? josh! josh! excuse me. you know him? you know josh? look, you have to tell me where he went. i'm his girlfriend. look, you have to tell me where he went. where did he go? please, tell me. tell me! josh! you know, you don't walk out on somebody! you don't just get up and leave and walk out like that! you don't do that! oh god. you got your wish. i didn't listen, i guess. i didn't hear you. or want to. or how would i have. or even if i did listen, why would i know? why would i know that?! what? what reason is that? so, what are you? 15? 16? well, that explains it. no. no. i've been there before. it's hard enough the first time. you know what i mean? you don't know what i mean. come on, i'll drive you home. no, i'll be okay. you'll be fine. in ten years, who knows? maybe you should hold on to my number. so this is where you live. which one is it? oh. it's nice. i'm gonna miss you. you won't even remember me.