trouble is the city keeps cutting us back and cutting us back. how'd you know? that he didn't want to be buried. and you just got it now? that's entirely possible. i appreciate that, sir. but i'm on a union specified break right now, which means you are talking to me as a private citizen. now as a private citizen i can pretty much say whatever i want to. if you talk to me in 15 minutes i can assure you, you will be afforded every courtesy as specified in the workers policy guide and recently ratified in our latest collective agreement dated -- trying to get your brother out of the ground. we couldn't be more pleased. you've arranged for transportation of the remains? good point bill. bill knows exhumation policy. you can look it up but i'm betting he's right. you come back with a bonded agent and we'll get right on this. there ya go mr. barnell. snug as a bug in a rug. anything else we can get you?