morning mr. barnell. coffee? well if we didn't have the weather what would we talk about? did you send the computer back? just that fellow from municipal power and electric. i told him you sent the check in weeks ago, but some people don't like to listen. what was that? the one who went missing? didn't you have him declared? good thing in hindsight. where 'bouts? where was he living? i've got an aunt down there. where 'bouts? well that's great. you and mrs. barnell will have some company for a bit i guess. how is she? hello. can i help you? oh, that's where you went. they do some very nice in store promotions. mr. barnell? i didn't expect you back today. nice jacket. yes? sure. i just thought it was more professional when people were around to call you mr. barnell. are you ok, paul?