hey. cancel that. if it's any comfort to you, he likely wasn't eaten while conscious. did he say where he'd been living, before he came home? --for dead, yes sir. anonymous phone tip from some jamaican guy. said he saw what looked like a body. we tracked you through his id. mr. barnell, i should warn you, an animal attack isn't pretty. there's not much left. normally i'd say bear, but these tracks and the feeding pattern indicate wolf. it's rare, but it can happen. pups. must have been the whole freakin' pack. on what? not the smartest snack for a hiker. messy. messy messy messy messy. that's him. raymond barnell. just what it looks like. wolves got him. maybe a grizzly with insomnia, but we didn't find any tracks. you trying to tell me mr. barnell chewed off his brother's leg? mr. watters, this is a nice simple ending. we like nice simple endings. ya know, i don't know thing one about insurance, but i'm guessing it's your job to find a way not to pay these poor people. mind telling me what you're doing? i've got my own war stories, thanks. you mind stopping that? your job? yes, i caught that.