i thought stuff didn't smell when it was frozen? i don't know why we have to-- like the guy's not gonna end up in a land- fill, anyway. you ever ask dave what he did? whoops, he did it again. the song? from that girl? not here. looks pretty full. hey. there's a little fridge down here. if we would have shot him at least we'd know for sure. fine. sorry. i'm just saying. maybe you didn't break it all the way. i'm just saying. maybe it was like hypothermia and he just looked dead. see the one on the little bike-thing? him. the thing with the guy? ya know, i thought it might kinda mess me up. but i've been sleeping really well. you just. hang in there, billy! it was our first time. no one gets it perfect their first time. excuse me for a second. hey, i'm supposed to be looking after him. slippery little sucker. you mind if we stop at a toy store on the way back? didn't ask. small engine repair. see all the snow blowers out front. i guess maybe the porn palace. ya know for some weird sex film. very nice korean family. you figure maybe they battered him up? sorry. we should have checked the funeral announcements right away. how tough can it be? oh please. don't you think it's a pretty neat coincidence? he won't take it well. hey, wait a minute, now. we did the job. we deserve the-- i don't know why you're letting it get to you like this. look, let's just not rush into anything. it's my turn to step up. i know that. i'm on it. lady, just calm down. lady, so help me i -- okay, now here's the thing, just keep an open mind. i just came to look around, but she started yelling and hitting me. just listen, okay. it is now. too small, plus we'd have to get her in and out without anyone seeing. and i've seen that sty you call an apartment. yeah. maybe. you see the whirlpool tub? it could be like a little getaway. mr. barnell. you have something that belongs to us. think hard mr. barnell. i thought it might be some weirdo sex thing, ya know? but you look like a pretty straight arrow. so then i'm thinking, maybe it's a scam. maybe somehow our friend is worth some money to you. you know, it's always you quiet guys. here's how it's going to work. we stay here with your wife, you go get our guy. we even see you or a cop even roll past, she's dead. plus you'll have to explain how you scammed the insurance people out of their hard earned money. we'll call you in three days. have the body and, let's say 50,000 dollars for our trouble. screw with us, we start mailing your wife back to you. he was scared. really scared. no. lady. please. it's none of your business what we want. really? i saw this thing on tv where they said people with that don't usually curse. i don't think so. it was a movie of the week based on real events. don't most of tourette's people twitch and stuff? nothing. cumin? you can't? want to know what i think? i think this "syndrome" is something you read about somewhere and figured, hey, works for me. you can completely abdicate your societal responsibilities, say whatever you want whenever you want, and slough it off on a illness. maybe i should catch this thing. "gee, sorry your honor, i have a disease that makes me rob 7-11s." it's called really need a slurpee disease. you are so faking it. hey! keep your voice down or the gag goes back. hey. oh, just great. seventy six, perfectly normal. what a shock. your turn to deal with it. if i come out of this bathroom i'll put a bullet in her head, swear to god. thirty, sorry, startinnng. now! twenty-five! fifteen! the body. have you -- no, i'm the other guy. have you got the body? i never said anything like-- yes or no. ten seconds. i think i managed to avoid a trace. we set? fine. it relaxes me. you know it has twelve different settings? hey, i do a lot around here. see the little box down there? lists all the symptoms of that tourette's thing, and you don't have half of them. and? and you're faking it. magazines prove everything!! you can't be serious. jimbo. come on. after all this. don't you go soft on me, jimbo. how do we know it's him? jimbo? you first. sorry. he just, fell. oh jesus, oh god.