daniel, you pussy little cocksucker. i'll get my purse. jerk off. ok, jerk off, uhhuh. paul? why is the fridge in the garage chained shut? blow me. dinner's almost ready. you feel like some wine? i feel like some wine. fuck it, okay. leave him alone, ball licker! that's okay, don't worry about it. i'd like the next one in a cup, please. he's not here, is he? when he's around, it just brings back. fuck. paul? she just wants that bacon. paul? who's out there? paul, the door's stuck! who fucked with the fucking door! ok. i took some adavan. and called my psychic. don't be mad. it's just. this week has been so. well with raymond getting eaten by animals and someone trying to steal the fridge. we got another letter from the hmo today. i'm sorry. it's just, fucking cocksuckers. i'm sick! i'm really, really sick! fuck them. they say you can't get it all of a sudden but i did. i really, really did. i'll kill myself. then they'll see. then you can go off and. . marry someone normal. i'm not crazy, paul. something's really wrong with me. promise? shit bag. nun banger. okee dokee, smokee. hey little, bambi. where's your mommy? gettin' it from some ten point buck. yes she is. yes she is. stay away from our fucking appliances. you are in so much trouble. you try and rape me, i swear to christ i'll bite it off. so what now, you gonna get me smokin' from both ends? oh please. yeah, listen, if the fat from your neck hasn't stopped up your ears. we don't have any money, you know. if you want raymond's fucking insurance money. we don't have that either. it's a disease. it's called tourette syndrome. i can't control what i say. turnip. you've taken a handicapped person hostage. i hope you're proud of yourself. they must have got it wrong. over the sink. and what's that supposed to mean? on the left. and i'm not. crazy, it's a physical disease. sometimes i can control it, and sometimes -- ass-rimming ball-sucker. you've never robbed a 7-11 in your life you shit eating fuck-weasel. what kind of man threatens a woman with a gun, anyway? oh, i'm faking it? is this how you get your kicks, you over-compensating pussy little fart sack? you don't scare me. if something bad was going to happen, my psychic would have told me. he's a little over tired. really? why? you and your life partner in the shitter having trouble picking a china pattern? i have a psychiatric disorder. and so do you! paul? are you entertaining? paul, the carrot little weasly one wants to carrot screw me with his sick carrot little cock. and he's messing up my kitchen. carrotcarrocarrot. tastes like a rectal polyp. paul? oh thank fucking christ. is tiffany there? well you should know, fuck-wit. you know there's a man with a gun in my shower, right now? christ, where do you want to start? shit on toast. and? magazines don't prove anything. does food poisoning count? have you been eating? did you fall? paul? why? oh fucking hell. i can't. breath. is. the pope. a. pauly, know it sounds corny but i miss you so much! wish you could have come. saw some dolphins today. frisky little buggers. they were even playing our song in the bar. have been pondering about your question, and i think my answer is "yes." after all, it's no fun in the sun without. pretty damn good. can you?