paul? thank you so much for clearing the drive way. that was most considerate. you were out at the cabin this morning. nice to see you getting some use out of that thing. it was terrible. just terrible. raymond should have known better. greatest sport on earth. moved to a compound bow two years ago. arthritis. less draw weight. no. only saw him the once. never spoke. waved to him. he was clearing my driveway. raymond was a real hellcat when he was younger. but like they say, time mellows even the hardest soul. i thought it was paul at first. have you met paul's wife? now there's a story. not that i'm much for gossip, but i think raymond used to have a -- sorry. did raymond like the outdoors. not so much, no. liked living out here at the cabin, though. i think he had some friends on the police force. have you talked to them? they'd pull up here day and night, always looking for -- well in a ski mask you can hardly tell who's who. now, how 'bout some jerky? i've got it drying out back. paul, sorry to hear about your brother. you moving in? she'll come to her senses. they always do. oh, the septic lines are frozen, so you'll have to use the outdoor commode. what's say you just move away from him. i can drop him if you want. i've got some fishing line if you want me to stitch that.