that's. quite the fish. yes, raymond. you see, as i've already explained to mr. branch, he's been gone for five years now, and i thought it might be time to. move on. i just thought, well, it's pretty unlikely he's still alive. my dad always wanted us to be able to look after each other if anything should ever happen. and to be frank, money's a little -- hang on, hang on. first off, how did you get my cell number? because it's for mechanical and medical emergencies only. yes, and that check went out a week ago. i watched my secretary write it up. well i don't know. i, i, i have no clue. could it possibly be a problem on your end? so the electric company never makes a. look, i pay my bills. i'm a rotarian for goodness -- hello? jodie, no! not for dogs! thanks avis. looks good. yeah, it was not working. any calls? something. strange happened last night avis. did. you ever meet my brother raymond? uh huh. well anyway last night there's a knock on the door and there's raymond, just. standing there on the doorstep. dead? no. i mean, they said he hadn't been gone long enough. lower 48. said he wanted to get away from the cold. sorry, what was that? florida. a uh. small place. by the beach. better, a little better. some days are better than others. how's my angel tonight? sweetie, here's a crazy thought. i don't feel like chicken tonight, why don't we order in? there's actually something we need to talk about. it's about raymond. he's back. what'cha saying there raymond? wha'cha saying 'bout me? ray's a little jeallllllllous. this is the one that got away, right ray? raymond. barnell. let's see if anyone's missing you. sweetie, don't you worry about raymond. i know. he, he said he's probably gonna head back down south soon. i'm afraid i don't understand mrs. wherry. oh i see. no, you see that must have been raymond. very much so. no, no one was more surprised than we were. no, he's. indisposed right now, but i'm sure you'll see him again. he's going to stay at the cabin for a while until he. leaves. and bless you too. ". it was my own lovely lady, and she said, oh it's you" well come on! how much easier do i have to make this? holy-- margaret, you scared the wits out of me. such a little puppy. how late is "rudys" open? you may want to take a gander. you may want to take a gander. sorry about this part. florida. he didn't really talk about it much. he brought us this shell. how did you? just like on tv. they chewed his ears off. what kind of animal does something like that? yes. obviously, my wife's very upset. it's been a tough, you know, when something like this happens you just have to ask yourself. you can see how stressful it's been, i should really go now. we have to plan a service. that's right, yes. he'd go for walks. hikes, i mean. hiking. not sure i follow. can i ask why you need to know all this? you know the police. they say raymond died in the attack. you do cover that sort of thing don't you? hey. how's my princess? honey, you know how expensive that is. i thought we agreed that. i know. why don't you -- have you opened it yet? "as we have stated previously. usual onset before the age of 18. coupled with no genetic history" shush, now. "we hasten to add, tourette syndrome is not" "as well, please reference our previous decisions regarding your claims for add, odo, ocd, i know. they just don't -- that is nonsense talk. you're the most normal girl i know. i know, sweetie. i know. and we're gonna find you the best specialists in. . what you have that we can. i really think things are going to turn around. call me cr. i just have a feeling. you just leave everything to me, ok? is that ok? leave everything to me? i promise. that's my girl. that was lovely, thank you so much. it's ok. we just wrapped up. this is my wife, margaret. she's under a little strain right now. i called them. well, they've been asking me to talk some more about raymond. i thought now might be an appropriate time. i had to borrow money for the casket, mr. ted. no, i doubt that. they asked me to bring some photos of raymond. guess it's gonna be a pretty big story. hey maggie-magster. how ya -- i, i don't know what you're talking about. no, i can't say that. i mean that would probably stick in my mind a. dead body. we, we had a life insurance policy on my brother. it was for. 100,000 dollars. here? just for a bit. would it have killed you to clean up before you left, raymond? who is it? yes, is there something wrong-- raymond? is that. raymond, let me tell you what happened here. we all thought you were. but you had dropped off the face of the earth. but there were no records of you anywhere. i checked. life insurance. your money? they're still. investigating. fifty thousand. okay. sure. you look good. lost some weight? who? margaret? she's fine. actually, we're not doing so good right now. mr. watters. you said on the phone something about a resolution in our claim? my wife and i, we're having some problems. you mean raymond? i'm not sure i appreciate your tone. i really think you should go now. you know mr. watters, i've had a pretty rough night, so if you wouldn't mind just leaving. i'm fine, mrs. wherry. just go back inside. i'm fine. really. i think you'd better go. no. he thinks i. it'll be fine. you don't have to. i figured out a way to take care of things. you can't do that, raymond. if someone sees you. about what? i don't think i. she's not. she doesn't have a therapist. think about what? cowboy up? i haven't called the police yet, but i'll tell you it was certainly tempting. it. did get better. raymond was always. bothered by it. when he came back from. florida, he'd had it fixed. laser surgery. like removing a tattoo. you taped my brother's body, in the morgue? hello. yes, i'm wondering what city department would be in charge of. sure, i can hold. hang on mag pie, just hang on. ray - could. i have a word with you? are those? how did you get them here? you can't use that. you're supposed to be dead! they'll track us down. what. raymond, what is. this? yes, hello. sorry, what? there's no party. let me talk to my wife. why are you counting? oh god, oh jesus. margaret, are you okay? you sick. don't you hurt her!! yes! it'll. it'll happen tomorrow. put margaret back on! hello? mr. watters? thank you, i appreciate that. please, sit. no, please. you don't have to. it was a gift from raymond. he bought it for me from florida. it's all we have to remember him by. i'm not single. mr. watters, i love my wife. very much. avis! avis? so, right here, by the x. i have a situation. my wife. do you think it's okay to do something kinda bad to someone if you think they're gonna do something really bad to someone else? what if it's a really bad thing? i'm. i. i don't know. he said some things. he said he was joking, but i. i think he might. i just, i just. have you ever felt like that? like your own life didn't even matter, as long as. i guess you're right. she's having sex with them. margaret. you know that stockholm syndrome thing? when you fall in love with your kidnappers. i went by there. she was in the bedroom with the big one. not the first time, either. with other men, not kidnappers. her therapist. and some guy she. hardly knew. shut up. yeah. guess you were right. you think she'd. really mess things up? not sure what you're saying? whole basement stank. you. you sure, ray? well. i am. and avis? you've been with me for five years? paul? can we make it paul? avis. there haven't been any people in here for months. no one comes in here, unless they're looking for pornographic movies or deep fried fish, neither of which we carry. so you can call me pretty much anything you want and it won't impress the customers at all because we don't have any. no avis, to be frank i'm a little frazzled right now. now could you get me some tape, my passport out of the safe and two open-ended tickets to paraguay. excuse me, are you arnith? know what? ya know, i don't mean to be rude here, but i'm not sure this is any of your business. i, i don't think this is anything to be flippant about. sorry. i'm just -- i'll give you five hundred dollars to go get him now. no. you want a refill? they said it'd be in tomorrow by -- was pretty funny. bottoms up. it's early. come on. ya. . pussy. we're out of coffee. but i'll be right back. still early. yes. you can let her go now. come on! where would i get another one? it's all over honey. it's all over. did they hurt you? you know me when i get busy. just a little. hey, we're gonna get. honey, i need you to start walking to that hill over there, alright? i'll catch up in a bit. now, no matter what you hear, just keep going, alright. and if i'm. late or something, just look in the coat, alright? raymond. please. oh god. oh jesus. can you stand. okay, easy. okay. i love my wife, mr. watters. and when you love someone, i mean, really love someone. how you feeling? i can tell.