okay, i never thought it would last this long, but seeing as how it has. there ya go. let me just say that my brother, old "puddles mcbarnesy" did better than he should have. enough, ok? and shut that thing -- hello brother. page 16, paul. that's why i love "usa today", news from every fuckin' state. don't you want to read it? i was eaten by wild fuckin' animals. but ya know, despite that, i'm feeling pretty god-damned chipper. dead? yeah, i got that impression. and you just decide to make it permanent? in certain lines of quasi-legal employment, using your actual id can be a hinderance. but despite the reliance on aliases, it's nice to have your actual birth certificate to fall back on. gotta tell ya, paul, i was pretty pissed. figured. so where's my money? what you get? almost worth coming back for. what's the split? i get half? gave up carbs. so what are you doing out here? she not go along with it? how she hold up, anyway? any kids? still can't get one by the goalie, huh. he give you the check? maybe i'll pay him a little visit. see if we can speed up the process. yeah, i was watching from the window. ya know, i been thinking there, paulie. after we get her back from these guys who grabbed her, you think your wife'll be able to keep her mouth shut? crazy people talk a lot. and i think if you tell your therapist something, they can use it in court. still, might wanna think about it. you crossed over into the bigs now, paulie. fraud. consorting with felons. got to "cowboy up." get tough, ya suck-hole. i'm just saying sometimes a man has to make problematic decisions. cull the heard, so to speak. paul, come on, just kiddin' around, here. don't be such a fuckin' stick. listen you little prick, we've had just about enough of this. you get me? hey paul. took care of our little problem today. we should see some serious money any time, soon. prostitutes? i sure as hell hope so, cause jehovah's witnesses won't lick your lolly no matter how much you pay them. put it on my plastic. see, got my name on it and everything. it's every where i want to be. you think they give a shit who pays the bill? think for a minute, will ya? that's "muh gun," paul. paul, we got any more chips? paul! chips!! who's doing what? the movie? get the fuck out of here. for real? wow. sucks to be you. i always knew she was a fucking tease. well, you want my opinion. i don't trust her, paul. never did. only one way to make sure she doesn't. you remember that pooch mom had? crazy little jack russel with the bladder infection? nothing you can do but put the thing out of it's misery. and yours. trust me, bro'. leaky dogs, crazy women. two things no man should have to live with. he left it in a letter. we're gonna take him to go. see, i could have had her. we both know that, but i figured, she was such a. i mean, i don't know why. you know why? does a duck shit under water? right, right, you told me. then all we have to do is get her and the thing. hey, remember that time in school, when i jumped out and scared you, and you fucking pee'd all over yourself? okay, "puddles." remember how they called you that? huh, "puddles?" christ, what time is it? pussy!!! what's going on. that little prick!!! i know you? go away, now. how much? a million dollars, paul!? you really think you could take me? again! and you do? you win, tough guy. look at me, you little.